You Got Me Going Crazy

The Bet

Chapter 2: "The Bet"

Sam's POV

I open my eyes and look around. I'm snuggled up to Joe and smile at his sleeping form. I sit up carefully to not wake him up and step out of my bunk. I yawn, stretch, and walk into the living area of the bus. The sight i see in front of my eyes is not a very pleasant one either.

Broken plates everywhere and Kevin and Nick sleeping on the the sofa's.

What morons. I mean seriously, you see a mess, you clean it. A very simple concept. And m totally not cleaning this crap up. They left me to break up Joe and Rachel's fight by myself.....well, they didn't really leave me per say but still.

I march up to the sofa and stand in front of Kevin. I bend down toward his ear and scream.


Which of course made both Kevin and Nick jump awake.

"What? what? Whose in the hospital now?" Kevin looks around frantically.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.

"No one surprisingly. But you could have cleaned this mess up. Ad don't say you didn't make it cause I know that. It was your sister and I had to, once again, stop her from killing Joe, without your help! Again! So now because I had to do that last night, you two lazy ass boys can clean this mess up. And don't argue with me because I am so not in the mood and I haven't had my coffee yet. So just clean this up before Mama J walks onto our bus and goes nuts. And you know and I know that it is not a pretty sight."

Kevin and Nick just sat and looked at all the broken dishes scattered around the living area.

"Do I even want to know what happened?" Nick raised his eyebrows.

"Rachel used Joe for target practice because she thought he ate her last Twinkie but it was me and when she found out she just smiled, calmed down and asked my to buy her a new box. Joe's reaction was priceless." I laughed

"Now clean this up" I stated and walked into the kitchen.

Kevin's POV

I turned to look at Nick

"Well, I'm never gonna touch Rachel's Twinkie."

"Dude, me neither. But lets just clean this up before mom gets here." Nick got up and began cleaning as I followed him.

"Where did these plates come from anyways? Cause I know Ive never seen them before." I said to Nick.

"That's because I went out and bought them specifically to throw at Joe's face." Rachel smirked as she walked past us into the kitchen.

"Yeah, well it was obviously pointless if Joe wasn't even to blame in the first place." Nick stated

"Nick Nick Nick. It doesn't matter of he did it or not anyway. He's bound to do something that will piss me off today anyways and then I'll have to attempt to kill him before Sam jumps in to save him" Rachel smiled at nick while sipping on her coffee.

"She does have a point Nick" I stated and sat on the sofa.

"Yeah, I guess. So lets make a bet. I bet you 50 bucks he pisses Rachel off within the first 5 minutes he's awake." Nick bet

"Fine, your on. I bet you 50 bucks that he manages to piss her off closer to the show tonight." I bet him

"Oh, I'm totally in. I bet you both 50 bucks he pisses her off even before he wakes up" Sam smiled and sat next to me.

"Ha! Nice Sam, betting against your fiance. Very nice of you." Nick replied and laughed.

"Yeah, know me! Always up for a bet especially if it involves Joe doing something stupid." Sam smiled

I laughed.

Rachel laughed and walked out of the room.

I went to turn on the T.V when...

"JOSEPH ADAM JONAS! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I heard Rachel scream

"That will be 50 bucks from each of you please" Sam said with her hand out

"ugh" Me and Nick groaned
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys enjoyed Chap.2 Let me know what you guys think.

By the way..ages are

Kevin: 23
Joe: 21
Sam: 21
Rachel: 20
Nick: 18
Frankie: 9

Just to get some confusion out of the way if their is any
