You Got Me Going Crazy

Dude, that's just wrong

Joe's POV


Is what I heard. Rachel yelling about something stupid, as usual.....well, Ive usually done something idiotic, but this time i did nothing. I swear it. I think she's finally lost her goddamn mind because honestly, who goes out to buy plates just to throw them at your brothers face for no reason? Rachel, that's who. And people say I'm the crazy, insane, immature Jonas sibling. God I feel sorry for whoever dates my sister.

I groaned and hoped out of the bunk and walked towards to the back lounge.

"What did I do now Rachel?" I sighed

Rachel turned around and glared at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Where is my hair straightener?"

"I gave it back to you yesterday" and began to walk away

"Don't you walk away from me Joseph! I'll so tell mom and you totally know I will!" she threatened

"And tell her what exactly? I gave you your straightener....." And then I remembered.

"Oh shit!" And ran to my bunk.

"What's Oh shit Joe?" Rachel growled at me.

I opened the curtain of my bunk and saw her striaghtener broken in half.

Oh fuck! She is so gonna Kill me. I forgot I dropped it on the bathroom floor and it broke.

I laughed nervously and turned around.


If looks could kill, I, Joseph Adam Jonas, would no longer exist in this world.

I slowly backed away.

"Oops? OOPS? That's ALL you have to say? OOPS? HOW THE HELL DID YOU BREAK IT IN HALF?"

"Ummm....I don't know? broke by itself?"

"YOU! Ugh. I can't believe you Joe!"

"I'll buy you a new one...I promise"

"Oh you fucking better. I'm so pissed right now. You so better watch your back because you are in so much shit dude that you better HOPE Sam will be able to save your ass." and she waled back to the lounge.

I sighed and shook my head and walked int the living are of the bus to see Sam, Kevin and Nick watching tv.

I sat down next to Sam.

"So, what did you do this time?" Sam smiled wide.

"Of course you would think that it's funny. I accidentally broke her straightener in half."

Nick choked on his cereal and look at me with wide eyes.

"You really are looking to die man. She's gonna lose it one day and just kill you."

"One day? Dude, she lost it the day she began to talk." I retorted

"Yeah, I guess your right."

"I am right. She's fucking nuts" made a spinning motion towards my head.

"You know, I'm gonna laugh my ass off if she walks in here and see's you doing that." Kevin replied.

I glared at him. "You would".

30 minutes prior to showtime

I burst into my dressing room, locked the door and hid behind the couch.

"What are you doing?" Kevin raised his eyebrows.

I lifted my head. "I put a snake in Rachel's bag" I smirked evilly.

Nick raised his eyebrows.

"Dude, that's just wrong. You know she's petrified of snakes. She's gonna kill you."

I got up and sat on the couch.

"Yeah, I realized this, but her reaction will be so worth it." I laughed

"Your gonna be sorry." Kevin said

"Yeah....I know."

"Have fun with that then" and nick walked into the bathroom

Yeah, I hope Sam will be around to save your dumb ass when Rachel retaliates. And I know that it will be interesting."

"Yeah, thanks for the confidence Kevin." I glared
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I hope you guys enjoyed chap 3. The next one will be up by tomorrow if I get awsome responses!!!

If there are no reviews, I wont post the next chapter. I really would like to know what you guys think!
