I Want to Know You

Me vs. The World

Mia's POV
I walked into school the next day still not quite over what happened last night. I walked to my locker to see Wren and Natalie standing there. "You ok Mia?" Natalie asked.
"Yeah I'm alright" I gave them a small smile. Just then Violet came over with a big grin on her face. " I saw that Mia!"
I was confused. "What are you talking about Vi?"
"You went home with Luke!" She squealed. All 3 of them knew of my crush on him. I blushed then corrected her. "I didn't go home with him, his mother simply drove me home"
"Oh c'mon Mia" I turned and walked to 1st period done with the talk about last night. I was nervous about tonight not sure what would happen. If my parents would forget me again and I'd have to go through torture being so close but so far away from Luke. The school day drug on till lunch. I could barely eat anything I was so nervous. Natalie was the only one to notice. "Mia you ok?"
"Just nervous is all" I gave her a small smile.
"Don't worry you'll do great and I'm staying so you can go home with me if you want" She offered. She was such an amazing and wonderful friend. "Thanks Natalie"
The rest of the day went without fault. When the final bell rang I quickly made my way to the locker room to change. Once I was changed I went to go find Natalie and Wren. They were messing around with a few guys on the basketball team. Luke was one of them. Luke got the ball and was going up for a layup when Natalie got the ball from him. She started to run with it and he chased her and grabbed her around the sides. She squealed and laughed at him. "Luke let me go!"
"Nuh-uh" He started to tickle her and she was laughing hard she dropped the ball but he didn't care about that anymore. She fell and he fell on top of her. I couldn't watch anymore, I turned and walked away. I walked outside and sat on the swings. I knew Natalie and Luke had been best friends since kindergarten it still bothered me that she could do that kind of stuff but I couldn't. I sat there as tears started to fall. I quickly tried to wipe them away but it was no use. I was outside for about 20 minutes. Once I composed myself I went back inside to go find the cheerleaders knowing they would want to go over the routine for the game. When I finally got there, I was late and had missed the whole thing. The lead cheerleader, Cassie, didn't care just told me not to do it again. But the girl who thought she was in charge, Marissa, came over and yelled at me.
"Gosh Mia what is your problem you should know better! You act as if you don't really want to even do this! If you don't start doing what your supposed to your not gonna be allowed on the squad." I ran out of the room with tears streaming down my face. I ran towards the bathroom, but on the way I ran into someone. I looked and saw the last person I wanted to see. Luke.
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Sorry its taken me sooo long! I've had a bunch of homework and been sick and all this other crap your not interested in XD Anyway you can hate me for 2 reasons. 1)for taking so long and 2)Cliffhanger. I know its not nice but its needed for this story :)
