Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life


Dearest Lindsey,

Why?, That’s the big question really aint it? Most big important questions are Why? Questions aren’t they. Questions like, Why are we here?, Why do people pick the bad guy that prolly only wants to fuck them when the over the sweet guy who really likes them? And then theres my personal favourite one.

Why did you have to move to Wyoming?????????

Since you moved two months ago well my social life’s gone to pot. Rather than watch movies with you on Friday nights, I now have the choice of hanging out with my brother and either Alicia(his new girlfriend, shes a nice girl but more bout her another time) or with my brother and his best friend Frank, and trust me both of those options suck since all Mikey and Alicia do is make out and all Frank ever does is talk through a movie. So instead I usually end up sitting in my room, with a cup of coffee and some samichs and write letters to you.

So dearest Lindsey, you have yet to tell me how your new life in Wyoming is. Has it been going well? What is your school like? Do they make you wear a uniform????? Although it wouldn’t really matter to you, you pretty much live in small little school girl uniforms.

I miss you Lindsey, nothings the same anymore. School sucks worse than usual since I don’t even have Mikey to hang around with at lunch. I suppose I could hang with the Ray kid, you know the guy in our, wait no, the kind in my (I feel so strange saying my instead of our) class in school. Hes the one with the giant ‘fro. He seems nice enough and I hear hes one of the best guitarists around but he’s not you Lyn and your who I wanna hang with. Ray Toro might be able to hang with me, watch movies with me but he has none of the memories we shared over the years. All the scraped knees, the first day of school, everything. I miss you Lyn please come back to Jersey. It sucks without you.

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First chapter, prolly not great but I havn't written a proper Ger-Z before.
Enjoy and please comment guys.

ly ^__^