Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life


From: Gerard
To: Lindsey
About: Sorry I’ve not had time to write a proper letter.


Im so sorry its been ages since I wrote, I just had a lot to do around here and every time I meant to write back something, somehow cropped up.

Your mystery guy sounds perfect for you. He would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend.

The girl I’m crushing on, well where to begin? Shes your height age and weight. She has black hair and eyes just like you. She wears strange outfits even when its about five degrees. Shes amazing. I just wish I had enough courage to tell her. Its strange I cant do it shes pretty much my best friend..

♠ ♠ ♠
hehe an update will be another in about an hour or less, as soon as I feel like updating really.
