Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life

Forever, and always,

Lindsey Ann Ballato,

Yes. The letter was about you, theres no point in my even denying it. I have liked wait no I have loved you since probably that first day we met, I just didn’t realise till now. I know this sounds so strange and you probably hate me because I’m supposed to be your best friend, but I cant help it Lindsey, I love you with everything that I am. And I don’t think I can stop loving you.

I know you have a crush on this guy so I don’t want to make you feel strange around me, but I just had to tell you.

If you don’t reply I wont take it personally,

Love you, forever and always,

♠ ♠ ♠
An Update,

I will update again tomorrow a couple times prolly but then I'm in dublin without the internet for a week, so I cant update.

My 3 subscribrs, ILY
