Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life

Super Labrador/Rottweiler puppies.

Lindsey Ann Ballato,

We are not playing match makers EVER again. Remember the last time? That didn’t end so well, Max and Fifi were never the same again, and the bald patch is still on Max’s side. Those were good times. Admittedly it wasn’t a great idea to set our dogs up together in the hope they would have super Labrador/Rottweiler puppies. Why did you name a rottweiler Fifi anyhow? You mad my dear. But I don’t care because I love you.

And its not your fault I ended up in hospital I was the one who drank so much, it makes nine my dear. Im catching up on you quick.^__^ Don’t expect to hold the most alcohol poisoned trophy for much longer. It shall be mine. *evil laugh*

I’m glad you like the apartment baby, we will be in it for a while but I talked to the guy who owns it and he said we can paint the walls. Yay. We will start as soon as you move in. Until then I’m painting them white so we have a blank canvas to start on.

Only a month and abit until you’re here Linds, then our proper life starts. Us together, like we always said would happen when we were kids. Of course we thought we would just be living together in the same house with different beds. Actually about that Ima need to either get another single for you or a double for both of us. Nothing expensive but I have enough money, I was saving to buy you something but I should have enough for both.

I have to go now baby,

I love you so much,

♠ ♠ ♠
Okayyyy deds to Charliexoh because she answered my question first but Ger-Z. came just after so yeah.

Heres an update.
Enjoy ^_^
