Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life

Did they have artificial insemination 200 years ag


Buy the double bed baby, and buy good one, you don’t have to buy me anything. All I want is you and now I have that I don’t need anything more.

You know I bet Jesus was gay, that or a nudist emo kid. And his mum was a slut. I mean c’mon how do you get pregnant without having sex???? Yes theres artificial insemination but is that just for cows or can people get it too? And anyhow it didn’t exist 2000 years ago.

Sorry that was abit carried away and off topic, me and Kyle were talking about it last week. Kyle is pretty pissed in moving back to New Jersey. I think he thought that if I was away from you long enough I would fall for him. When it didn’t happen he got upset and distant. Then when I got back from your birthday and told him we were going out and I was moving home to Jersey he left and I haven’t seen him since. Well fuck him. Fuck him right in the ear.

Hmmm you know the kitchen bit of the apartment can I paint in there babe, I got an idea when I was there and I wana see it thought. Have fun painting everything white sexy.

A month and were together for good,

All my love,

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay about the Jesus and Mary thing, its a joke, I dont mean to offend anyone so dont be pissed.
Duno if I will update again tonight as I have to go to bed earlyish. If I think I'll get one written I will but I'm doing a thousand things at once atm.

