Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life

The End.


It’s the days before I fly home to New Jersey to be with you, theres no real need for me to write you considering I’ll get to you before this letter does but I don’t care.

I love you Gerard Arthur Way and I promise I always will. For the rest of my life. I’d love to be a vampire just so we could be together forever. Sorry I was re-reading Twilight last night. Why wont Edward just change her and be done with it??????

Sorry its just Edward ticks me off sometimes. I still cant help fall for his charm though. But don’t worry baby I’m not going to run off with a fictional character, I love you too much.

I gotta go now baby, its quite late and my plane will be quite early. I love you Gee.

Be with you soon,

♠ ♠ ♠
So thats the end darlings,
Its suckish but its the end. And I mean the chapter is suckish not that its suckish its the end. Well thats abit suckish too but yano theres the sequal to look foreward to.
