Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life

Advice to you.


Okay the way I see it is, you and Lindsey have been best friends since you were what like 6? That’s a long fucking time to be honest. You’re both nearly eighteen now. It seems logical that either you would end up liking her after being around her so long. And I know you probably think of her as a sister but if you like her, you like her. I say talk to her about it and whatever you do don’t avoid her. That will make her upset and think she’s done something wrong.

So how is stuff down in New Jersey? I hear Frankie finally came out. Damn I’ll send you those twenty bucks soon as I have em. How did you know he was gay?????

So my advice is talk to the girl, tell her how you feel and go from there man.

Good luck,

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This chapter is dedicated to comedically tragic;; because she commented and she is amazee because of that.
