Gerard and Lindsey. Best Friends for Life


Lindsey Ann Ballato,

I have met Gerard a couple times so yeah I know what you mean when you say, sweet, caring ect. But you love him right? So tell him. If he doesn’t feel the same sure you may not be friends anymore but it’s not the end of the world is it?

And thanks for telling me about those sex dreams, I REALLY needed to here about those.

This Kyle guy, hes your friend and he likes you. I don’t think you two should go out, it will only end badly for one of ye or both of ye. So my advice to you is to talk to Gerard and tell him how you feel, before something else happens and he gats a girlfriend and then you feel crap forever.

And by the way, tell Gerard I will get that money to him ASAP. How the hell did he know Frank was gay?????

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I love this story.
As of this post it is 2011 words, its defonitally the shortest but its my favourite.
