Have we met?

The beginning

Clutching her cloak the night prowled around her, exposed against the deep unknowing sky and white flame of the moon flickering between the blankets of angered clouds. A limelight cascaded down onto her hidden figure almost revealing a glimpse of her identity. She wanted to run but she couldn’t an eerie force of desire and curiosity made her remain. Her unnatural grey eyes scanned the surroundings nervously then became fixed onto a deceased tree; its branches painfully crippled grasping at the night sky as it hunched over beckoning her like an unknown stranger does an innocent child. She hid her discomfort of her imagination and stood upright in an unnatural pose of bravery. The forest held many unknown beholders watching her every move she squeezed her clock harder in her hands as the thought of being assessed by shadows made her skin crawl.
A muffled whisper of the leaves dancing in the distance became disturbed and her body froze in a rigid position of defense, a mouse scuttled with lightening speed, a bird took off with a ballets grace and then a footstep, made so to not break the silence of the night but it had and it had not gone unnoticed. It was foolishly close and lumbered forward in misleading expertise. A presence to close for comfort, close enough to make a move. The air behind her rippled her cape, her movement of lethal grace made him realize this was no easy catch his naivety for such control caused him to loose his stance and in a simple movement he collided against the decaying tree making an unpleasant cracking noise. A swift motion of closing her hands and the tree mimicked her, its long outstretched fingers individually roughly clasping him in leaving no room for comfort; this was serious business, no room for faults.
She made quick, long strides towards the worryingly lifeless body stopping a distance away she spoke with a sarcastic tone.
"I'm terribly sorry for the drastic movement but at times like these our 'kind' has to take precautions"
An eerie silence spread through the forest like a virus as every animal stood at stand-still on bated breath. She spoke once more.
"Please spare your acting skills, though they are very good I've heard you've had many a blows in the stories spread by our species, a lot harder than this"
She raised her highly defines eyebrow as he limply lifted his head, his black hair plastered to his face with a slow trickle of blood rolling down his forehead.
"Not as forceful as that" he grimaced, the weight of his head feeling as if it had multiplied in the past five minutes.
"Well you know rumors a story of lies and exaggeration" she looked at him and flashed him a menacing smile.
"I greatly appreciate your kinds respect for me I feel honored" her smile flickered then she came closer as if approaching a wild animal.
"Well since you've been around it's been a bit more of a challenge for us, killing us as soon as we glimpsed at prey but now it is your turn"
As soon as the word had left her mouth two perfectly shaped fangs became noticed, his eyes quickly took note then locked with hers
"Is this the end then? You kill me and feed?" she could no longer stop herself from laughing but he became confused as she laughed with mockery he hid his natural curiosity and carried on looking at her with a shield of bravery.
"Of course your intelligence has already come to hold I am here to kill you" she answered kneeling to his level but close to him, close enough to stroke his cheek "But this time, not to feed, oh no, although I wish I could.." she lent closer as his eyes widened "This was not my call, you have caused too much damage and the population is at an all time low someone has to make up for it"
"No!" She flinched slightly at his sudden cry out the plea and desperation, she had to but a lump appeared in her throat as she kissed his flesh and mimed the word
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ta daa :)
comments appreciated
If i spell some stuff different
sorry :)