You Were The Last Good Thing About This Part Of Town


I was running down the street, the tears pouring down my cheeks. It was summer, and boiling hot. Our dog was playing happily in the garden, like if this accident had never happened. But it did happen, and that was the reason I was running like this.
I had recently gotten a phonecall from the hospital, saying my best friend Emma was in a critical state, and that she had asked for me to come. I was wondering what kind of accident had happened, but seeing it was Emma we were talking about, I had a vague clue. It probably had something to do with mountainclimbing, or perhaps a motorcycleaccident.
I always told her she would get injuried if she continiued to live like that, but when I said that, she always just said "Live like there's no tomorrow, then you'll know you've lived."
She tried to live by that motto as often as she could, trying out new extremesports all the time.
I ran in the entrance to the hospital, hurrying over to the reception. A rather tired and annoyed looking lady looked up at me, signalling me to speak.
"I'm looking for Emma Miller?" I asked, breathless.
"Oh," the woman said, shuffling through some papers. "She's at floor 3, room 8."
Without even saying thank you, I ran up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator.
Walking down the hall, I saw her parents sitting outside a room, her mother looking like she had cried.
"Oh, hi Maria," her father said. "I'm happy you could be here. Ems is dying to see you."
At those words her mother started sobbing again. Suddenly her father realized what he had said, and started patting her on her back. "Oh hon, I didn't mean it like that. You know she's gonna survive."
Entering Emmas room, I knew I wasn't to convinced of that.
She looked horrble, looking deathly pale.
"Hi Maria," she whispered. "Nice you're here."
I suddenly started bawling, and ran over to her.
"Oh May, don't cry," she said, but I could see a tear blinking in her eye.
"I told you you shouldn't do it," I sniffled.
"Don't you get it May? I've lived, thats what matters. Even though we didn't turn out to be sixtyone, we still had a good time, right?"
I couldnt help but smile. When we were little, probably five or six, we made a deal that said we would be best friends till we were sixtyone, but after that we could do what we wanted.
And now we were sixteen.
"I guess so," I answered, not wanting to realize she may be gone forever.
"You're my best friend, Ems. Don't leave me."
I could see a small smile on her lips, then suddenly, I heard a beeping sound.
She was gone.
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A one-shot. I've had this up before, but by some reason, it dissapeared.
Comment if you will(: