Never Meant To Be

Rude Awakening .


Riiiiiing… riiiiiing…


Riiiiiing… riiiiiing…

Riiiiiing… riiiiiing…

“Crap, just shut up already…” a young man said as he sleepily reached out for his phone. Only to miss it by inches and let his hand wander onto an empty space on the table. A normal person would've felt the smooth wooden table's surface on one's skin, but he wasn't a normal person.

In fact, he was a ghost.

He blinked at seeing himself transparent, but then looked out the window only to find that it was already dark outside. He sighed, realizing why he wasn't his supposedly 'normal human' self anymore. He grabbed his persistently ringing phone and placed it on his ear.


"Frankie!" he rolled his eyes at hearing this familiar female voice, it was his cousin Naomi.

"What?" he said coldly.

"What's with the cold-ness dear cousin?"

"We're ghosts, aren't we supposed to give off a cold aura?"

"Whatever Frankie, anyway, you do realize it's night time already right?"

"Yeah... so?"

"If you don't get your ass off that bed of yours we're going to be late for night school."

Frank Iero groaned at this as he rubbed his eye sleepily and let out another yawn.

"Let me just get ready." he said.

"I'll wait for you outside then, bye!"

"Bye." his phone then started beeping, indicating that his cousin had finally hung up. He stood up sighing and threw his phone on his bed before making his way to the bathroom to get ready.


Naomi looked at her watch, sighing impatiently while waiting for a certain someone she had just called earlier. Then, feeling another presence next to her she turned to see a floating sphere of light.

"About time you got here." she said, slowly the sphere transformed into her cousin.

"Well sorry." Frank said, rolling his eyes.

"Aw... you know I was just kidding around Frankie." Naomi said, hitting her cousin playfully on the arm.

"Lets just go." he said, turning around and making his way out of the huge compound he, his cousin and many other families of the Iero Clan lived, all of which were ghosts.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about right here. You see, this is still the 'ordinary' modern world, only with a twist. There are 4 races that exist in this world, namely: the Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts and Humans. The first 3 races that were mentioned live in secrecy to the humans; none of the humans know they exist except for them themselves. To the humans they're just ordinary people. In the day time they wander around amongst the ordinary people in their human form.

Though the vampires seldomly go out, but if they do they are usually found wearing dark colored clothing covering almost their entire body. Like long sleeved jackets with hoods, long pants or skirts, and shades. Some even bring umbrellas along everywhere they go. The werewolves have no problem going out at daytime; the ghosts have the ability to solidify themselves during the day.

Every race has a unique symbol on their necks, tattoos to signify that they're part of that race. Vampires have a symbol of blood dripping down two holes on the neck, sort of like if a vampire bites you to turn you into one of them the bite marks become permanent tattoos. Werewolves have an eye of a wolf on their neck, silver as the moonlight with a look that could make you feel that it could see right through you. Ghosts have a symbol that humans would often mistake as the sun, but if you study it closely it's an image of two open doors, heaven's doors.

The three races have never had peace amongst themselves; constantly they were fighting over a lot of serious matters. Land ownership, race discrimination, and it the making of some humans part of their own race. There's a rule that none should marry out of their own race, if ever that happens the clan's honor and respect with decrease dramatically, and the Head will immediately banish them from their clan. The child of the outcasts is then considered impure.

Now I so hope that you get it right now, back to the story.

"Hey Frankie! Wait up!" Naomi said, calling out to her cousin and catching up with him.

"What took you so long?" Frank said when his cousin finally caught up with him. Naomi pouted and hit her cousin again, causing him to chuckle a bit. The finally escaped the compound and were now peacefully walking (floating) on their way to school, just talking amongst themselves, minding their own business. That is until a rock flew at Frankie's direction, not hitting him but then just going right through him due to him being transparent.

"Sorry!" said an unfamiliar voice, turning their heads to where the rock came from.

“What’re you saying sorry for? He’s just a ghost, I bet he didn’t even feel anything, in fact I think you already get a recommendation for that!” another cocky-sounding voice said, offended by what he had heard Frank turned to the direction of the two voices. There he saw that they were two male vampires, just about his age, he could tell by the fangs that were just sticking out. A recommendation meaning getting into a higher position in the clan, the two were laughing.

“Hey thanks dude, how far will I get if I hit that girl with him over there?”

“Depends on where you hit her.”

“Hey! Leave her alone! She didn’t do anything to you guys and neither did I!” Frank yelled, the two only laughed even more.

“Well what’re you gonna do to us? Your punches will barely even touch us.”

Frank was feeling insulted and angrier by the minute, suddenly the temperature dropped, Naomi’s eyes widened a little in shock. The vampires though, seemed amused.

“Ooh… I think ghostie’s getting angry.”

“I’m sooo scared…”

“Frankie… don’t… they’re not worth it…” Naomi said.

“Naomi, they insulted our race! Being the heir I can’t just let that down!” Frank said, a little too loudly, so the two vampires heard.

“So… you’re the next heir to the Ghost Council eh?”

“Heh, this’ll be interesting, bring it on ghostie!”

“Back off and leave them alone you two, they didn’t do anything wrong.” came another voice, turning around they saw that it came from another vampire, who had stepped out of the shadows.

“Fuck… it’s Brendon…” one of the two vampires cursed, Frank and Naomi watched as the two got down on one knee, their heads bowing down and looking at the ground with their right arm resting on their raised right knee. The person named Brendon let out a sigh.

“Stand.” he said exasperatedly, the two stood from where they were kneeling. “Look, I have no time to lecture you right now, just get outta here and get to school already.” he said, the two nodded and without hesitation they transformed into bats, but before they flew away Brendon had something else to tell them: “And no, you don’t get a recommendation.”

And they left.

Brendon turned his attention to Frank and Naomi who were just standing there; the temperature had gone back to normal. He went up to them and smiled in a friendly way, even with the fangs.

“I’m sorry about them, you two all right?” he asked.

“Yeah… I guess we are…” Naomi responded.

“That’s good; I’m Brendon Urie by the way.”

“You’re the next heir to the Vampire Council.” Frank pointed out.

“That’s right, and so are you to the Ghost Council.” Brendon said, the three exchanged small smiles for a while until they noticed the time. “Shit, my dad’s going to kill me if I’m late for school again, I’ll be going now, nice meeting you, bye!” Brendon said in a rushed way, hurriedly transforming into a bat and flying off.

“He’s… nice…” Naomi said, Frank paused before responding to that, thinking of something.

“Yeah…” was all he said.

“Well Frankie we better get going now, we’re going to be late for class too.”

“Naomi… I don’t think I want to go to school today…” Frank said, turning to his cousin. Naomi shook her head disapprovingly and sighed.

“Not again Frankie…”

“Please Naomi… I promised I’d meet up with him… you know I can’t just let him stand there and wait until the sun rises… he’s my best friend…”


“Pleeeeeeaaaaaaseeee?” Frank begged, Naomi let out another sigh.

“All right… I’ll cover for you… again…” she said, Frank smiled brightly.

“Thanks Naomi.”