Never Meant To Be

Nice Meeting You .

Naomi told her cousin that she was going to be there in 10 minutes, but her two friends were making this a little harder for her to make it on time.

“Stop following me!” Naomi nearly screeched.

“Naomi what are you thinking?! You can’t just go to some mysterious alley with Vampires!” Andy said.

“Yeah Naomi, hey are you even listening to us?!” Jon said, Naomi was in fact not listening to then as she just floated along the hallways of their school, the two guys just right behind her. “Naomi!” Jon repeated her name again as he reached out and grabbed his best friend by her arm, being able to stop her.

“What?!” she said, now receiving weird glances from the people passing by, particularly from the female population who were whispering amongst their own group of friends. Naomi glared at the gossiping girls, but that didn’t seem to make them stop. She let out a frustrated grunt and pulled away from Jon’s grasp and continued floating away from the scene. Just coz she hangs around with Jon and Andy most of the time and not with a lot of girls there’s this rumor that’s been circling around the campus that there was some kind of stupid love triangle between them when they were actually just friends.

She hated that rumor as much as she hated bad grammar. Yes, that much.

“NAOMI!” Jon and Andy chorused, still pursuing her in hopes of changing her mind about going to some dark alley with Vampires. Naomi turned around sharply to face her two friends; they stopped too, at seeing that they somehow got her attention.

“Look you guys, my cousin is in a dark alley with a bunch of Vampires and he wants me to come over there, I trust that you’re not thinking that it’s a trap or some other shit.” Naomi said, Jon and Andy exchanged glances, and then Andy smiled sheepishly.

“Funny you mentioned that…” he said.

“I knew it…” Naomi said.

“But Naomi, what if it is a trap? You know you can’t really trust those Vampires.” Jon said.

“From the phone call I received from Frankie, he sounded just fine to me.”

“What if it’s a trick?” Andy said.

“You guys are being paranoid.” she said and turned away from them again to continue on her way out of the campus and into an alley. In order for he to loose her overprotective guy friends she had turned into a small orb of light once she had thought she was out of sight from anyone, in that form she was able to make it to the alley without any further interruptions. She saw the entrance to the alley her cousin had mentioned earlier, turning back into her transparent self she floated the rest of the way into the alley. As she got closer she could make out a form of a guy at the entrance, she stopped suddenly at realizing who it was, the guy seemed to have recognized her as well.

“Bryar…” she said and he looked up.

“Iero…” he said with a curt nod. Then all of the sudden she had this strange feeling in her stomach, but not that kind that makes you want to throw up, no, it was a totally different feeling. Bob turned his head away from Naomi and seemed like he was talking to someone inside the alley. “She’s here.” she heard him say.

“Naomi?” she heard a voice too familiar to her say.

“Hello Frankie.” Naomi said, Frank had finally made an appearance before her.

“Well what’re you doing just standing there? Get in.” he said, Naomi glanced shortly at the blonde guy with her cousin, who was now fixing his fringe that had fallen over his eye. She turned away from him so no one would notice as she entered the alley with her cousin and his friend, only to be met by three male Vampires and one female. At seeing only one girl amidst all these guys she started getting ideas.

“What’s a bunch of guys and one girl doing in an alley?” Naomi said, she looked over at Frank but he didn’t seem to be paying attention. “Frankie…” she said, at the sound of his name Frank had turned to his cousin, only to find that she was giving him this look.

“What?” he said. Brendon wondered about what was that girl thinking at the moment, so he decided to give her a little visit. What he heard though, made his eyes widen a bit in shock as he literally stepped away.

“You’re seriously not thinking that way are you?” he said, catching Naomi’s attention away from Frank. Naomi blinked, clueless at what the Vampire meant.

“Huh?” she said, the other three Vampires seemed to know what was going on though.

“He’s in your head.” the tanned Vampire named Pete said, Naomi blinked again.

“… but I just met him.” she said, a snicker came from the Vampires, but Marianne was polite enough to cover her mouth and try to restrain herself. She glared at them as Brendon cleared his throat.

“What he meant was, I had just visited you.” he said.

“Visited me?” Naomi repeated, she had remembered the elders in their clan telling them about how Vampires could ‘visit’ other people’s minds. She got it now. “Stay away from my mind Mr. Urie.” she said sternly.

“I am sorry to have intruded Ms. Iero.” Brendon said.

“Can we call each other by our first names?” Bob said in an irritated tone of voice, there was a short silence and then people who didn’t know who was who yet started introducing themselves.

“Brendon Urie.”

“Gerard Way.”

“Pete Wentz.”

“Marianne Urie.”

“Frank Iero.”

“Bob Bryar.”

“Naomi Iero.”

Now that everyone knew each other already, they had started talking, but then they weren’t close enough yet as to get rid of the uneasiness of the fact that the Ghosts and the Vampires were actually talking to each other like their races didn’t hate each others guts. Gerard looked over at Marianne, noticing that she wasn’t talking as much as everyone else, which was odd coz she had a lot of random things to say. Gerard gave her a visit, and the results were eye widening.

“You okay Gerard?” he heard Pete say, making him turn away from the female Vampire and avert his attention to this guy.

“Yeah… I’m fine…” he said, Pete blinked but then shrugged it off.

“Brendon… we really need to go, we can’t keep Tamara waiting.” Marianne said impatiently.

“In a moment Mari, I’m still talking.” Brendon said, interrupting the conversation he was having with Frank. Marianne pouted and Brendon merely turned away from her.

“Hmp.” Marianne said, also turning away from her cousin.

“Who’s Tamara?” Naomi asked, Marianne opened her mouth to answer but then Pete had beaten her to it.

“She’s his wife.” he said, there was a short silence after that.

“You’re married?!” the Ghosts chorused in shock, Brendon cringed at the loudness of their voices.

“Let me rephrase that, he’s not married yet, he’s engaged, you know, being the heir and all, it’s all been arranged with the Urie Clan and the Varyen Clan.” Gerard said.

“Oh…” they said, Marianne nodded her head in agreement.

“Interesting, Frankie isn’t set up with anyone yet.” The female Iero said, at this Marianne looked up at Naomi, she could’ve sworn her eyes were sparkling, but then again they seemed to always have some kind of sparkle in them. A hyper person, who’s a Vampire, interesting.

Dark brown eyes stared patiently at the vast darkness before them, not that those eyes aren’t used to being in the dark, coz they have a long time ago. The owner of those eyes was a young girl, she had let the hood of her hoodie down since she found that it wasn’t necessary in the dark, letting her long black hair cascade a tad bit lower than the collarbone. She was waiting for someone, waiting for her friend and her… fiancé.

Tamara coughed at thinking of Brendon that way, though they are supposed to act like they get along well but then actually they could really care less about each other. Even though their clans have arranged for them to marry each other once both of them has come of age, both never see each other in that kind of way. To each others eyes they were just a girl and a guy forced to marry each other coz of their clans’ decision. There was no ‘love’ between them, they only acted like there is for the sake of their clans, and the only person who actually knows how they really feel towards each other were themselves and Marianne.

Tamara reached in her bag for her cellphone so she could contact either of the two Uries to tell them to hurry up. As she pulled her cellphone out she thought she felt something else drop out of her schoolbag, but then she just shrugged it off as a feeling. Just as she was about to unlock her cellphone’s keypad she had caught two bats perching on the branch nearest her, she looked up to find the two bats familiar.

“About time you two arrived.” she said. The two bats transformed into Brendon and Marianne, Brendon landed gracefully on his feet while his cousin stumbled a bit and had to hold on to the tree for support. Marianne looked over at her cousin, Brendon sighed and shook his head disappointingly.

“Well sorry that I’m further off the ground coz I’m short.” Marianne said bitterly, Brendon rudely shrugged her off and looked away. Marianne glared at Brendon shortly before turning to her friend with a smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting Mara, but then, this is what you get when you have a cousin who is just sooooo slow.” she said tauntingly, enough to make Brendon turn to her and give her a glare of his own.

“Don’t fight you two, we seriously need to go, the sun’s going to come up in an hour.” Tamara said, looking at her watch.

“We’ve been out that long?” Brendon said, a bit shocked by that.

“Yes, you guys have been out that long.” Tamara said, slinging her messenger bag on and handing the two their own schoolbags, which she was watching over for them. Brendon and Marianne took their bags, and soon they had parted ways.