Mental Fiction Follows Me

Chapter 17: Rescue and Recovery

”Sydney!” I ignored Lillian’s voice as I continued to crawl. I only had to kill three in order to escape, but now maybe escaping wasn’t the best idea. I could have just waited to be rescued, but I had a feeling that wasn’t happening.

Hey, crazy lady! Wake up!” I ignored that voice too as I continued to crawl. Sand clogged my nostrils and burned my throat and eyes, but I had to keep going. If I stopped now, they would win. I wouldn’t let them win. I couldn’t let them win.

There was darkness for a little while, and I awoke to a loud noise directly above me. The sand swirled around me, digging into my already open wounds. I tried to roll over and see what it was, even though I had a sinking suspicion that I already knew.

“State your name!” someone yelled down at me. I tried to, but more sand muffled my yell. With a few loud grunts I rolled over.

“Sydney Haner!” I yelled, praying that he would hear. I heard low muttering, and then I was being yanked through the air. My throat was on fire from the scream erupting from it, but my ears were deaf to the sound. My back hit hard ground, and I bounced lightly. I had lost weight.

“Soldier, can you hear me?!” the man above me yelled. I blinked, knocking sand off my lids, and stared up at him. The short hair and familiar uniform were a comfort. I wasn’t too happy about being in a helicopter, but it could be worse.

“Sir, yes, sir,” I said weakly.

“Injuries?” he asked.

“Plenty,” I mumbled. He looked away from me and over at another guy.

“Well, sir, she seems to be bleeding a lot, and that nose is definitely broken,” the younger guy side. The first guy nodded his head, and short silver hair clouded my vision.

“Don’t be afraid to scream, soldier,” the man said. I felt his thumbs on either side of my nose, and the rest of his fingers grazed near my temples. I sucked in a deep breath and then I heard the crack before I felt it. But I did feel it. My fingernails clawed against the bottom of the helicopter and my back arched. I didn’t scream.

My back sagged against the hard surface, and I felt new sweat break out across my forehead and on my upper lip. My breaths were shallow and ragged, and my fingertips felt raw. I saw the older and younger man exchange a glance, and I knew that I was in for more pain. Nothing I wouldn’t handle. It’s not like I had a choice in the matter anyway.

“It’s okay to scream,” the older man said while staring down at me. I could vaguely see the much younger man, even younger than me, rummaging around in a box.

“No,” I managed to get out. The man’s face softened, as if we were having a sentimental conversation instead of me refusing to scream while they did whatever they were about to do.

“Okay, soldier,” he said. He twisted around, and he came back with a leather belt. I forced my lips to part and took the leather between my teeth. The younger man looked at the older one, and then he looked down at me. His warm brown eyes reminded me so much of home and my cousin. I nodded my head at his silent request.

“I need to do the side first,” the younger man said.

“Do what you need to make sure she stays alive,” the older man said. I felt one of my arms being moved, and my bare side was exposed. Apparently it wasn’t customary to give prisoners new clothes; they just stayed in their old ones.

“I’m sorry, miss,” the younger guy said before the first sting of pain. I bit down on the belt as his steady strokes continued, and my flesh was finally sewn back together. For the past few months, it had healed only to be torn open again. After a while, my skin went numb and I didn’t need to bite as much. Cold liquid ran down my side, and I could see a little blood swirling past us.

“Can you roll her over?” the younger guy asked. The older guy grabbed my elbow and started to turn me, but a sharp pain raced up my leg. I reached down to grab it, but I couldn’t reach it. My fingernails, now gone and leaving bloody tips, clawed at my hip bone.

“There’s something wrong with her leg!” the older man yelled. I was placed on my back and quick fingers were pushing my pants leg up. I felt the same hands running up and down my leg, trying to find the problem.

“It’s broken. I have to set it before it’s too late,” the young guy said.

“Then what are you waiting for?!” the older man yelled. His yells seemed louder than the helicopter we were in.

“Sorry, sir,” the guy said. I let my head fall back. I didn’t want to see anymore. I didn’t need to see anymore. I heard them looking around for something, or some things. My eyelids drifted, and I felt the leather belt slip from between my teeth. It slipped soundlessly to the floor as I continued to drift.

“Ready.” I felt the bones in my leg re-breaking and shifting, and then I screamed.

Nikki’s POV:

I was laying on my cold little bench, thinking happy thoughts about getting out of this place. I could hear Deandra and Tiana talking softly to each other, they were now both on the floor. Krys and Aiden were on a different bench, talking about different things. Syd was sprawled out on the only remaining bench asleep.

“Sydney Haner!” My eyes snapped open and I looked at the other side of the small enclosed room. Everyone else was looking at Syd too, waiting. Tiana and Krys looked confused, but the rest of us knew what could be coming.

“Sir, yes, sir,” Syd mumbled in her sleep and turned over.

“Maybe that’s the end of it,” Deandra whispered.

“I doubt it,” Aiden whispered back and stood up. I had crossed the room without realizing it.

“Plenty,” Syd mumbled and turned over on her back again.

“Is she dreaming or something?” Tiana asked.

“God, I hope so,” Deandra said.

“She said sir, yes, sir, like she was in the military or something. I used to hear veterans in the nursing home say it,” Krys said. We all turned to look at her with questioning eyes.

“I’ve gotten around,” she shrugged. Syd made a muffled, strangled noise deep in her throat. Aiden started towards her, but Deandra stopped her.

“Wait. Maybe that’s it,” Deandra whispered. There were a few more similar sounds, but then everything went silent. Syd even looked more relaxed, even though that’s not really possible on those cold tiny benches.

“NO!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!! NO MORE!! PLEEEEASE!!!” Syd screamed and thrashed about. She tumbled off the bench and fit the concrete floor, still screaming. Her good arm went straight to her left leg, holding on to it while still screaming with all she had.

“What’s going on?! Is Syd okay?! Someone fucking answer me!” I heard Brian yelling from down the hall.

“Syd, wake up!” I yelled. I had acted on instinct, dropping to the floor and putting Syd’s head in my lap. With the way she was thrashing, she was sure to give herself a concussion on that hard floor.

“Dammit, Syd,” Aiden whispered. Deandra and Krys had grabbed her legs, and Tiana was looking on with a shocked face. Aiden was holding onto Syd’s hurt arm, making sure it didn’t get any worse. Syd gave one last good scream, and blood stained her lips red. Her body relaxed, and she turned her face into my thigh. Her sobs echoed in my ears, and I could feel her hot tears soaking through my jeans.

“Is she okay?!” Brian yelled. Tiana came to life and ran to the bars.

“She’s fine now!! Just a nightmare!!” she yelled. Syd’s good hand found mine, and she crushed my fingers between hers as she continued to cry her heart out.

“So-sor-sorry, sir. C-c-couldn’t. H-h-help it,” she mumbled.

“It’s okay, soldier,” I said quietly and pushed her light brown hair back.

“Three months, in the dark. Hurts so bad,” Syd said, crying even harder.

“You’re safe now,” I said. My eyes caught Aiden’s, and she looked as confused as I was.

“Three months, in the dark. Torture. Always torture. Names, and more names. Don’t know. More pain. More dark. Worthless. No good. Dispose,” Syd said.

“It’s all okay now,” I said.

“Sleep. Sounds...NO!” Syd yelled and raised up. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, but it didn’t seem like she recognized anything, or anyone.

“Sydney, can you hear me?” I asked. Her muscles were tense and she was shaking lightly.

“Sorry, Lils. I’m okay now,” Syd said. This time Aiden’s eyes were wide, and I was the only other person who knew why.

“Syd, you okay?” Aiden whispered. Syd gave one violent shake, shook her head, and popped her neck. She stood up slowly, carefully, and backed away from all of us. Wide, pale brown eyes met all of ours, and she gave a small smile.

“It was really bad, wasn’t it?” she asked, like she already knew.

“It was freaky as hell,” Tiana said.

“You were a POW,” Krys said. Syd looked down at her feet.

“Yeah, for three months. Not the best three months of my life,” Syd said with a dry laugh.

“Do you remember your dream?” I asked. Her eyes flashed up to meet mine, and she slowly nodded.

“The whole hospital thing brought it on. It was right after I was rescued while crawling in the middle of the damn desert. Apparently my health wasn’t that good, so they had to fix me up on the helicopter before I could get any worse,” Syd said.

“Syd?! Is that you?!” Brian yelled.

“I-” Her yell was abruptly cut off and she started coughing.

“SYD?!” Brian yelled with a hysterical edge to his voice.

“She’s fine! Her voice is just a little worn out!” Aiden yelled. Syd quit coughing and went to stand by the bars.

“I’m fine, Bri. Don’t worry about me. No biggie,” Syd said in a low voice. I heard loud footsteps then, and then the familiar sound of shoes squeaking as they came to a stop.

“Syd? Was that you?” I recognized the girl from earlier, Tara, standing in front of the bars. Her hair was everywhere and she was panting, like she had run the whole way.

“Yeah, that was me. Just a little nightmare,” Syd said.

“Little? So little that I could hear you all the way from the judge’s chambers?” Tara asked.

“Well, you know I always over exaggerate,” Syd said. I saw Syd’s one hand grip the bars tighter and she swayed slightly. I was the first one to her side, and I quickly wrapped my arm around her waist. Syd’s pretty tall since she’s five-eleven, but I stand at six-one. She still put her good arm around my shoulders.

“Thanks, Nikkita,” Syd said and smiled up at me.

“Anytime,” I said and smiled back. How could she look and act so normal after what her own mind just put her through?

“What was going on in the judge’s chambers?” Aiden asked from my other side.

“I got the judge here an hour earlier, so it’s time to get yall out of here,” Tara said.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Tiana yelled.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Syd said quietly. Tara pulled some keys from her pocket and unlocked the barred doors. Syd looked up at me questioningly, and I smiled reassuringly back down at her.

“Don’t worry. I got ya,” I said as we finally stepped out of our holding cell.
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I wanted to dig a little deeper into Syd's past experiences, so that's why I'm putting off the "court" scene until the next chapter.

And I would love to hit the 100 mark on my comments, which means I only need five! It would really make my day XD