Mental Fiction Follows Me

Chapter 3: Sleep Is For Losers

“Are we there yet?” Aiden asked and bounced lightly in the seat next to me. I now know that it was a very bad idea to give her that Monster energy drink. The car came to a stop, and I smiled.

“Yes!” I yelled excitedly. I handed some money to the cab driver, and then Aiden and I grabbed our bags from the trunk. I walked up to the front door with a still bouncing Aiden behind me. The sun had set not too long ago, so the only light came from some streetlights. The lights were on in the house though, so I figured someone must be awake. I rang the doorbell and waited.

“Bri, someone’s at the door!” I heard someone inside yell.

“This is going to be freakin’ awesome!” I herd Aiden whisper behind me. I felt my smile grow, and then the door flew open. Dark brown eyes met mine, and I dropped my bags.

“Brian!” I yelled and threw my arms around his neck.

“Syd!” he yelled back and wrapped his arms around my waist. After a few minutes of squeezing the life out of me, Brian took a step back. He kept his hands on my waist and looked me over.

“You look so different,” Brian said.

“Do you think it’s the artwork?” I asked and held my arms out.

“Definitely. They suit you though,” Brian said.

“As do yours,” I said and looked down at his tattooed arms.

“And who is this beautiful woman behind you?” Brian asked and looked over my shoulder.

“Bri, meet Aiden,” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you, Aiden,” Brian said and smiled back at him.

“You too,” I heard Aiden reply.

“Who’s at the door?!” someone yelled from behind Brian.

“Is this a bad time?” I asked.

“No, it’s just the guys. Come on in,” Brian said and opened the door wider. I picked up my bags, and Aiden and I followed Brian inside.

“Just leave those there,” Brian said and pointed next to the door. Aiden and I put our bags down, and then Brian wrapped one arm around each of our waists.

“I like him already,” Aiden said and smiled over at me. Brian and I exchanged a knowing glance, and then I smiled back at Aiden.

“Wait until you meet the others,” Brian said.

“Bri? Did someone kidnap you?” someone asked as they walked around the corner. He stopped when he saw us, and I smiled at one of Brian’s bandmates.

“Zacky, this is my cousin, Syd, and her friend, Aiden,” Brian said. Aiden and I both waved at him, and then Zacky slowly nodded his head.

“I was starting to think she didn’t exist,” Zacky said and smiled in my direction.

“Oh, I’m very much real,” I said.

“Everyone still in the living room?” Brian asked.

“Yeah,” Zacky said. Brian followed behind Zacky and drug us along with him. All talk ceased as we entered the living room, and I looked around at the three remaining guys and one girl.

The first one I recognized was their lead singer, Matt. His dark hair was cut short, and I could easily see his hazel eyes. He was obviously the most muscular of the group, but he wasn’t overly muscled like some men I’d seen. He seemed to have just the right amount.

The only other female in the room was sitting directly beside Matt, and his arm was slung around her shoulders. Even though she was sitting down, I could tell that she was a few inches taller than me. She had layered black hair, and I could see red underneath. Her bright green eyes were outlined in dark eyeliner. I could see a few piercings and tattoos as well.

On the couch opposite of Matt and the girl, was the shortest and youngest of the group. The bass player, Johnny. His brown hair was spiked up, and his hazel eyes traveled back and forth between me and Aiden. He seemed slightly jumpy and hyper, like Aiden (who was now bouncing slightly again).

The only person left was the drummer, Jimmy. His longs were stretched in front of him, and he looked up at me and Aiden with a curious expression. His black hair was spiked in the back, and bangs fell into a pair of blue eyes. He had tattoos on his arms and some where visible on his neck. I could also see a labret piercing.

“Guys, this is my cousin, Syd, and her friend, Aiden,” Brian said.

“I’m Matt.”

“And I’m Nikkita, but you can call me Nikki,” the girl beside him said.

“I’m Johnny.”

“I’m Jimmy.”

“You already met me,” Zacky said as he fell on the couch next to Nikki.

“It’s nice to finally meet all of you after hearing about you all of these years,” I said.

“We’ve heard a lot about you too,” Matt said with a warm smile. I looked around at all the faces and felt a little tension slip from my shoulders.

”They seem nice enough. Go mingle and get to know them,” Lillian said. I was surprised when Sage didn’t fire off a response. She was probably still pissed at being told to shut up. I smiled and did exactly what Lillian had instructed.

A Few Hours Later

Everyone had said goodnight and went back to their separate homes. Now it was just me, Brian, and Aiden. Brian and I were going back and forth telling Aiden about the things we had done we were little. We normally stayed in trouble for the whole month he stayed with us.

“I guess we should get going,” I said sadly.

“Where are you staying?” Brian asked.

“I was hoping you could recommend a nice hotel somewhere near by,” I said.

“Hotel? Why don’t you just stay here? I have extra rooms,” Brian said as he stood up. I shot a glance at Aiden before returning my gaze to Brian.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Bri…”

“But you just got here,” Brian said in a whiny voice.

“Of course we can stay. And then you can take me to meet your mom tomorrow,” Aiden said and took my hand in hers. I felt myself getting trapped, but I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I looked back over at Aiden, who slowly nodded her head, and then back over at Brian.

“Yeah, I guess we can stay,” I said quietly.

“Come on, I’ll find you a room,” Brian said happily. Mine and Aiden’s rooms were right across the hall from each other, which I was grateful for. I was in my pajamas and in bed when Aiden knocked softly on the door. I gave a small “come in” and she let herself inside. She eased onto the bed beside me and sighed.

“Everything will be okay, Syd. I’ll be right across the hall, okay?” Aiden asked quietly.

“I know. Maybe we’ll get lucky tonight,” I said optimistically.

“Maybe, you never know,” Aiden said. We both knew it was a lie. I hadn’t had a lucky night in the past three months, and it didn’t look like that was going to change anytime soon.

“I’ll see you later, Aiden,” I said.

“See you later,” Aiden said and walked out of the room. As soon as she was gone, I sat up in the bed.

I couldn’t go to sleep. No, sleep was a bad idea. Bad things happened when you slept. Things creep out of the darkest corners of your mind; things that people should never think about. It happened every time I drifted off. The doctors said it was normal, and I believe them. I’m sure many other soldiers face the same problems as me. But how many of those soldiers were already mentally unstable and snuck into the army? I’m sure there are few of them. It doesn’t matter though. I won’t sleep. No, I don’t have to sleep. Sleep is for losers.
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It's still a little slow, but things pick up in the next chapter. A lot of things are explained in the next one too...

Comments would still be nice though.