Silver Scarlet

When the worst comes to the worst in life, Bakura has a little friend that helps him through it all. It's silver and sharp, and lives in the spine of his copy of Angels and Demons.

It's his razorblade.

Of course he never told Marik or Atemu, his flatmates. They;s just laugh, call him a p*ssy and get back to the TV. But sometimes, help really does come from the most unlikely quarter...

Yeah, this is basically just to make up for the lack of posting in P,CNI. I swear, I would update that if my stalker would let me. I'll sign into MSN and it'll be all, ALEX WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MY STORY NOW. TALK THEN. WAKE UP. STOP IGNORNG ME!!!! I'm like, girl, Ive got three stories of my own to write. Piss off. But I digress... Bsically, this story is what happens when you let me get a account.

Love as always to Maria, who I think now classifies as an angel.