Thou Shall Love to Eternity

Now Back to the Start

Alfred tied the sacks around his waist and grinned at Jason like a mad man. “We are going to get rich dude!” he said giving a quick punch on Jason’s arm.

Jason grinned and punched in a few numbers on the machine. “Time traveling baby!” he said and pressed start.

The light spread and all was white, just white.


My books were spread around the floor and the couch. I was laying on my stomach looking at the picture I had just drew for my project.

“Uh, I draw ugly.” I said and I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it to the pile of paper balls I had already.

My mom chuckled and took the plate of pancakes and handed them to me.

“Relax honey, you’ll get it right.” She said rubbing my head.

I smoothed my hair out and bit the end of my pencil. “Right…” I said.

“So how was your date with that boy?” asked my mom.

I froze. “How do you know?” I asked.

She laughed. “You told me! Did you forget?”

“I think I did.” I said chuckling after.

She smoothed out my bangs and smiled at me. “I love you honey no matter what.” She said.

I smiled. “Okay.” I said and I took a bite of my pancake. “I love you too mom.”

My mom shifted in her seat and looked at me. I flipped my page which had Selena Gomez on it and I looked at her headband. “Can I have that mom?” I said.

“Chelsea.” She said and I looked at her. She had a tight face on.

I looked at her. “Yeah?”

“Chelsea, I don’t want you messing with anybody like having sex.” My mom said.

I looked at her with my mouth hanging. “I’m not going to do those things mom.” I said blushing.

“I’m just letting you know. Many teenagers are doing this and it’s not good.” She said looking at me worried.

“Mom, I’m almost grown. I know what’s right and wrong.” I said.

“Good.” She said and kissed my forehead.

“Weird.” I mumbled when she left. I went back to my magazines and I saw a light coming from the window, it was really white.

“Woah.” I said rubbing my eyes. I felt like I was going blind. “What the hell?” I said and it went all white.


“Ok let’s go over it again.” I said lifting my hand up and motioned the count down. “One, two three.” I said finally and quickly placed my fingers on the right fret and strummed.

“Boys, you should stop, its time for dinner.” My mom said from nowhere.

Joe groaned. “Finally, Nick has been bossing us around.

“Yeah, is something wrong Nicky? What has you to practice so much now?” asked Kevin with a smirk.

“I missed practice yesterday so we’re practicing more today.” I said reaching for my water bottle.

Kevin scratched the back of his head. “We did practice, but without you Nick, we know you were busy with someone yesterday so we practiced our share, no need to drag us in too.” Kevin said laughing.

I smiled. “Well you know me.” I said trailing off.

Joe rolled his eyes. “Of course.” He said.

Mom’s head peeked from the door again. “Dinner, NOW.” she said snapping her fingers.

“Okay mommy.” Said Joe running out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and put my guitar down.

“Nick, turn off the lights.” Said Kevin who was at the door already.

“Ok.” I said and I flipped the switch off and headed toward the door.

“Nick, I told you to turn off the lights.” Said Kevin who stuck his head into the room.

“I did…” I said turning around and I saw a faint light coming from the far corner.

“Weird.” I said walking closer to the light. I suddenly remembered it was the same flash I saw before.

“Oh snaps.” I said under my breath and I tried to run away but the light already reached me.


“Lady Chelsea, wake up!” I heard a voice say. My eyes fluttered opened and I found myself on the hard bed. I got up and ran my fingers through my hair I opened my eyes a little and see Abigail with a smile on her face.

“Abigail?” I said confused.

She beamed back at me. “Tis it is the time to meet your match!” she said.

“M-m-match? What?” I said confused. I was suddenly rushed by a few maids with a dress more beautiful than the ones I wore before.

They soon ushered me down the stairs into the dining room where my parents sat.

“Oh Chelsea you look beautiful!” said my dad coming over and he kissed my forehead. My mom covered her mouth and walked up to me. “You are a grown woman now my daughter.” She said.

I smiled weakly and looked around. “Why is everyone in a good mood?” I asked. Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

“Lord, the carriage is here.” Said a messenger. My father looked at me and smiled.

“We’re off to see the king.” He said and took my hand and my mother’s and walked into the carriage. When we settled in, I abruptly asked them.

“ Why are we going to the king’s palace?” I asked.

“The prince would like to meet you and we have arranged a marriage between you two ever since you were born.” My mother said smiling.

I looked at her in awe. “Why didn’t you guys tell me earlier?

“We wanted it to be a surprise dear!” my father said and hugged me a final time.

When we got to the palace we entered and bowed down to the king.

“Ahh, Lady Chelsea ye looks art beautiful.” The king said. He gestured to a person behind the curtains.

“Prince Mathew, is my son, come out Mathew.” He said.

I rolled my eyes expecting it to be like those ugly princes that the princesses have to marry.

“Yes, your highness.” He said coming out. The edge of my eye caught a glimpse of him.

oh, it’s just Mathew, doesn’t Desiree like him? I don’t like him anymore. I thought.

“Mathew?!” I said yelling and looking at him in disbelief when I realized it really was Mathew, my old school crush.

His eyes squinted and looked at me. “Chelsea?!” he said in disbelief too.

The king and my father had questioned looks on their faces.

The king raised his hand for silence. Our voices echoed through the palace. “You both know each other?”

Mathew quickly straightened himself. “Oh, that’s what we do now a days father, yell the person’s name.” he said.

The king shook his head. “Well, not in my palace you won’t do this. Now go along Mathew, welcome your bride the way I taught you.”

Mathew walked up to me his charming face and gave me a slight grin and bowed down taking my hand. “Lady Chelsea, it is a pleasure to have you here.” He said kissing my hand and giving me another sly grin.

I smiled back and looked back at my mother who was wiping her tears. The king smiled and nodded to Mathew. “Son, why don’t you show your bride around the palace.”

“Of course “ he said taking me by the hand and bringing me outside.
When we were about a few yards away from the king and my parents, I spoke up. “Ok, can we stop pretending now? Your grins and lovey dovey smiles are scaring me.” I said holding myself.

He grinned at me. “What do you mean, you’re gorgeous and perfect. Let’s stop talking and I’ll show you around.” He said taking me by the hand and walking into the courtyard.

What has gotten into him? The last time I saw him he hated me.

“What about Desiree?” I said when he showed me the pond. He looked at me and blinked.

“What about her? Who cares about her right now? It’s all about you darling.” He said hugging me.

I blinked as my head rested on his chest. Is this for real?

He showed me around the whole palace and it was gorgeous with the flowers and the different sceneries I was starting to think that this arranged marriage wasn’t so bad.

“And this is my bedroom and yours too in a few more days.” He said whispering in my ear. I let out a quiet giggle and stepped in. The bed was huge and there were veils covering every side with absolute perfect silk and there was gold plastered around the wall.

“Wow.” I said under my breath.

“Like it?” he said walking up behind me.

“Yes,” I said touching the fine wood on the bed.

“Want to see how the bed feels?” he said lying down.

I smiled. “Sure” I said and got on. The bed felt really comfortable. “Wow this is the comfiest bed I’ve ever been on.”

“It’s good for one thing.” He said looking at me.

“What?” I said curiously looking at him.

“This.” He said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me toward him and he slammed his lips into mines and started loosening the lace to my dress.

I gasped and quickly kicked him and he looked at me. “What the hell?!” he screamed.

“Why don’t you say that to yourself?! What are you doing?!” I said freaking out. I was standing up and a few feet from the bed.

“We’re getting married, we’re going to have to have to do this one day right? We need little children.” He said. To me he looked more like a psychopath every minute.

“Well you may want that but I’m not letting that happen. You can find someone else to do that for you. I’m never having your children.” I hissed. “I’m calling the wedding off!”

He let out a scoff. “Ha, you think you can let it go? The wedding’s all planned. What part of arranged don’t you get Chelsea?”

My heart was pounding and i just wanted to punch him across the face, of course he might be stronger than me so I didn’t want to risk that. “Everything.” I said and ran out the door.

“Guards! Get her!” he screamed. Great… not I have a whole army after me. I quickly crawled under some bushes and hid there until the guards ran past it. I then made my way to the only person I know who can comfort me at a time like this. Nick.

I was gasping for air when I got to his house. I quickly knocked on the door to find his beautiful face covered with some soot.

I let out a weak smile. “Nick your face is…” and I fell on him.

“Woah, what happened? Are you ok?” he said touching my forehead. He took a peek outside both ways. “Here come on in.” he said holding me by the waist bringing me in.

“Thanks.” I said quietly as he gave me a cup of water.

“Are you ok?” he said running his hand through his hair. “You scared me.”

“Yea. I’m fine. It’s just that I was running away from guards.” I said.

He chuckled. “What did you do this time?” he smiled.

“Nick, I’m in an arranged marriage.” I said with a grim face.

His sweet smile turned down. “What?” he said.

“I’m arranged with the prince. We’re getting married in a few days. He tried to…” I said and cut off looking at him.

“So you ran here.” He said quietly.

My eyes watered. “ I didn’t want to. I don’t want to have an arranged marriage. Nick, I love you. I don’t want to leave you.” I said sobbing now.

He came over and hugged me. “It’s ok.” He said and he kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and tried stopping the hiccups.

“Shh” he shushed and he lifted my chin and kissed me sweetly. I kissed him back and he started backing me up to his room. He closed the door with his foot and he started kissing down to my neck. I let a quick moan out and I felt his lips smile on my skin.

I brought my hands to his shirt and started unbuttoning it. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. “ I don’t think we should do this.” He said quietly.

“I love you a lot, I’d rather do it with you than him anytime.” I said smiling.

“I love you too.” He said. and his hand went to the back of my dress and loosened the laces. He continued kissing me as I felt my dress slip off of me.

I took of his shirt and left it next to my dress and continued kissing him on bed.

His hands started roaming my body and I kissed him on the chest.

“Are you ready, you sure you want this?” he said quietly at me.

“Yes.” I said and I let another quick moan as he kissed me on my collarbone.


“ Sorry Prince Mathew, we couldn’t find her,” said the guards hoping they wouldn’t get killed my the prince who was really mad.

“Find her!” Mathew yelled.

“Search every house for her.” He said harshly.

“Every?” questioned the guard.

“Every! Now go!” The prince screamed.

With that all the guards started roaming the whole kingdom for Lady Chelsea.


I’ve never thought that this day would happen. I snuggled next to Nick on his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He was warm and it felt good. Everything was perfect.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” I said.

Nick rolled onto his back looking at the ceiling.

I took the blanket and tried covering my body but I didn’t really have to, he already saw everything. “What’s wrong.” I said. “Did I do anything wrong?” I said.

“No.” he said turning back to face me. “I didn’t know that I was going to do that.”

My face went pale and I clutched the blanket. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I mean I kind of got carried away.” I said.

“No,” he said kissing me again. “I don’t feel guilty. You are the one that I love and I truly believed I did the right thing.

I smiled and leaned in for another kiss when we heard gunshots. I broke away quickly and stayed quiet.

“I don’t know where she is!” we heard a woman yell.

“Where is Lady Chelsea?!” a rough man said.

I looked at Nick with panic. Nick quickly got out and threw my dress at me. “Quickly, get dressed, we have to go quick!” he said.

I quickly slipped on my dress and he grabbed my hand and ran toward his horse in the back.

“Where are we going?!” I asked holding onto him tight.

“ The next kingdom.” He said. “They won’t find us there.”

My eyes widened. “Nick, that will take weeks, we don’t have that much money to make it through.”

He smiled. “I got the money here. I’ve been saving up.” He pointed to his pocket that was bulging out.

“I don’t know about this.” I said.

At the next stop, Peppers rested and drank some water. We were at the edge of the kingdom and we were trying to hide from the guards.

Nick brushed my hair from my face and smiled and kissed my softly on the cheek.
“Your dress is still loose.” He said and he tightened it up for me and his arms rested around my waist.

“Nick, how do we get away? Why are we here again?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know, it’s not like there is a time machine that can bring us back and forth.” Nick said sighing

“How do you know about my time machine?!” a man yelled running over to us with an angered face.

Nick’s grip on me tightened. “What do you mean? We’re just saying we don’t know anything about a time machine. And if we do we really want to go back to where we came from. We’re not here.”

The man looked at us. “I have a time machine that brought everyone here.” He said quietly.

I felt steam building up on me. So all this time it was his fault we were here. “I WANT TO GO BACK HOME!” I screamed. Nick held me back

“I’ll give you anything to make it back to normal.” Said Nick.

The man eyed Nick’s pockets. “How many gold coins do you have?” he asked

Nick pulled out the bag. “There’s about twenty.” He said.

The man grabbed it and looked inside. “Follow me then.” He said.

I looked at Nick. “I don’t think we should do this…” I said biting my lip.

“It’s ok.” He said kissing my forehead.

We went into this cave like stone cottage. “Jason open up!” The man yelled.

“Alfred did you find any coins yet?!” The other man yelled whom I think was Jason.

“Yes.” Alfred said grinning holding the bag. “I got ‘em from these lads. They want to go back home.” He said pointing to us.

“Why not?! We completed the mission in less than two days!” Jason said laughing.

Alfred waved us over. “Come in.”

We walked in and we saw this huge mechanical thing in the middle. Jason and Alfred started pressing random buttons and I just stared. Nick’s grip tightened and I looked at him. I kissed him on the cheek.

“it’s ok right?” I said letting out a weak smile. He smiled and nodded.

“You guys ready?” Jason asked.

I looked at nick and gave him a huge kiss and pulled away.

Nick slipped a leather piece into my hand and smiled. “We’re ready.” He said.

“Open up!” yelled someone from the door.

My head shot a look at the door in panic.

Jason groaned. “Not again!” he said and quickly slammed the start button.
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=p sorry for not updating soon. i've been really busy. this chapter is cheesy weird ... well please comment and subscribe anyways.