900 Thousand Times I Would...

Get You Chinese Food.

Ryan slouched in his chair, head on the table, still nursing his hangover. His head still pounded, but he valued the brief quiet he had. Brendon had gone out to get Chinese food (upon Ryan's request), and Jon had accompanied him. Spencer had run off to take a shower (Jon hadn't joined him... Shocked? So are we), so for the moment, he was a solo pilot. Well, not literally. But. You. Get. The. Picture.

The wooden table was surprisingly cool against his cheek, but he knew that was only because of the air conditioning. It was so hot outside at the moment because of the time of year. Ryan had never liked summer much; it just gave him sunburns and made him sweat.

Hearing footsteps, he jerked his head up. It was too quick, though, and made the throbbing start up again. He then saw Spencer, his best friend since he was four-years-old. Since the band had started up, though, they had grown apart slightly. Brendon had changed a lot and took up a lot of Ryan's time. Despite that, it didn't change that Ryan and Spencer had been through much more together. They had spent almost their entire lives at one's house or the other, talking about how, someday, they'd make a difference to someone. Now, they had accomplished that, and a lot of things had changed. Just not their friendship.

"Yo," Spencer greeted, sitting across from Ryan. His hair was wet from his shower, and Ryan could see he had failed to shave. Again.

"What up my homie?" Ryan asked slowly, trying to ignore his headache.

Spencer cocked an eyebrow at him. "Dude, you are one freak," he stated, holding back a smile.

"You know it. So what's up?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing. Just... kind of needed to talk about something," Spencer admitted. He knew he could always talk to Ryan.

"All right. Shoot," Ryan replied, leaning back in his chair is ready to listen.

"Well... It's just that... I'm kind of worried about Brendon," Spencer told him.

Ryan frowned. "Why?" he questioned, immediately alert.

"Okay. Well, yesterday, when you took off... he seriously lost it," Spencer explained.

"What do you mean by 'lost it'?" Ryan asked.

"I meant what I said earlier. He seriously had a panic attack in the middle of the floor."

Ryan's hand flew up to his mouth. "Oh my God."

"I mean... I don't know. It's just that he doesn't worry so much about anybody else but you. And it just... kind of got me thinking..." Spencer trailed off.

"About what?" Ryan leaned closer, trying to get the information.

"Me and Jon talked about it a little, and we both agree that..."




Spencer chuckled. "Relax relapse, Ryan. I'm getting there. We both agree that Brendon... might have a crush on you, if not something more."

Ryan leaned back once again in the chair, blinking as he did. No. No. No. That simply could not be true. He and Brendon were best friends, nothing more. They weren't like that. "Brendon's not gay," Ryan stated stubbornly.

Spencer scoffed. "Pft. Ya right. That's like saying Britney Spears isn't a nutjob."

Ryan shook his head. "Stop screwing with my head. I know it's not true."

"Come on. At least listen to me. He does everything for you. Everything. He's like your slave. He always takes care of you when you're sick or whatever. He always holds your hand and kisses your cheek. He fucking loves you, you fucking blind twit," Spencer stressed.

Ryan glared at him. "I do the same for him. It's not a big deal."

Spencer mumbled something.

"What did you just say?!" Ryan demanded.

Spencer was scared. Ryan usually never got testy like this. "I-I said that, uh... THATYOU'REINLOVEWITHHIMTOO!" he rambled, running away.

Ryan, shocked, simply sat at the table and blinked. Spencer was most obviously deranged.

End of story.

* * * *

Brendon and Jon arrived back home a short time later, bringing tidings of MSG. Spencer immediately bounded out of where ever he was hiding and tackled Jon (whose hands were full with bags) in an awkward hug. Ryan, even though he was sort of pissed at Spencer, couldn't help but note how adorable that was. Spencer and Jon usually never showed public affection.

"All right," Brendon announced, "I have retrieved your bourbon chicken and your weirdo crab rangoon shit."

Ryan knew he was only making a big deal about it because he was a vegetarian. "Thank you," he replied sweetly, pecking Brendon's cheekglaring at Spencer while he did.

"You're welcome," Brendon mumbled, sitting down at the table and beginning to bring out the take-out boxes one by one. He took out his vegetable lo mien and began shoveling it in his mouth like a heathen.

Ryan smiled slightly, looking at Brendon. He loved how he was so uncaring and free. It made him happy. And he was glad he had the sense not to bring up Pete again. He ate his food in comfortable silence, thankful for his amazing friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. Sorry for lack of updatage. Just haven't been in a writing mood.


Erm, anyway. I am now to 8 stars, which is rad. So, ya. Comment.

And, in the last chapter, Bden said three VERY crucial words. I mean, I don't know if you caught them, since I don't think anyone mentioned it. But the were VERY crucial. So, if you think they weren't you were wrong. XD

Read my Gabilliam and my Gabilliam one-shot. That is all.