900 Thousand Times I Would...

Be Your Partner In Crime.

Brendon sat at the table, drumming his fingers on it. He was so bored. There was nothing to do. He was going to die.

But he could always bother RyHo...

He jumped over the couch, running into their room where he knew Ryan would be. He flung open the door and saw him sitting cross-legged on his bed, pen in his teeth with a notebook in front of him. He noticed Brendon's entrance and looked up. "Hey," he smiled.

"Hi, RyHo," Brendon remarked, flopping onto the bed next to his friend. "Writing?"

Ryan looked at him and nodded, returning his attention back to the page and frowning.

"So.. can I see?" Brendon asked, leaning into Ryan's side.

Ryan shook his head. "'S not finished," he mumbled.

Brendon should have known. Ryan never let anyone read anything he wrote until he thought it was finished. "Okay," he allowed. He pursed his lips. He didn't want to interrupt Ryan, but he wanted to do something. In order to do something, he would have to go somewhere else. Which he didn't want to do. He wanted to stay by Ryan's side.

"You want to do something?" Ryan asked, dropping his notebook on the floor and looking at him.

Brendon nodded. He was glad they had this sort of telepathy.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Ryan questioned.

"Umm... Actually, I wanted to spy on Joncer..." Brendon trailed off.

"Ew. Why?" Ryan asked.

"I wanna know what's up with them. Like, are they just fuck buddies? Or like... dating?" Brendon explained.

"I want to know too, but I'm afraid Spencer will kill me if I ask," Ryan admitted.

"Exactly. So, we should go and spy on them. I'll be your partner in crime," Brendon bribed.

Ryan thought this over for a moment. He wanted to do what Brendon wanted, but he also valued his life. "All right. Let's do it."

Brendon grinned mischievously. "They're on the couch, watching TV. When I left they weren't touching, but... I bet they are now."

"Ew! I don't want to watch my friends make a porno!"

"But it's free," Brendon stated, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Let's just do this." The pair crept out of their room and into the hallway, where they had a safe view of the couch. They couched down and prepared to make a stake-out.

Brendon was right; they were touching now. Spencer had his head on Jon's shoulder and his hand gripping his. Even Ryan had to admit they were really adorable. Jon kissed the top of Spencer's head and mumbled something to him. Spencer's body turned rigid then, looking up at Jon's face. He said something, and this pissed Jon off visibly. He stood up, shook his head, and just walked away from him, going out the front door.

Oh shit.

Brendon and Ryan looked at each other nervously. They hadn't thought that they would fight. They just thought they might start making out or something. The pair looked at Spencer wearily at the same time. He had his head in his hands and stayed that way.

Ryan touched Brendon's wrist softly, his way of telling him they should go. Brendon nodded, standing up with him and following him back to their room.

"Fuck," Ryan mumbled, massaging his temples.

"I know," Brendon agreed. "What should we do?"

Ryan shrugged. "I don't know. There's nothing we can do. They'll work it out..."

Brendon was already dialing Jon's phone number. Ryan guess he had picked up because Bren said, "Hey, dude. I kinda saw what happened. Hear? I didn't hear anything. I was just wondering if I could help in anyway... Um, no, I'm not really comfortable doing that... Okay, bitch? Well, maybe if I actually know what happened I could..." Brendon was silent for a moment; Ryan took it that Jon was explaining. "Aw, that's so cute! Well, I mean, it would have been, if the jack off hadn't ruined it... Okay, I will. Bye. Good luck, dude. Don't do anything stupid."

Ryan gave him a look. "What'd he say?"

Brendon sighed. "Jon told Spencer he loved him and the jack off was all like, 'Don't say that' and Jon's pissed off because Spencer keeps treating their relationship like a game. So first he told me to remove the stick from his ass, but I was like 'Um, no' but then he was like, 'Bitch at him'. So, I'm probably going to do that now," he informed Ryan.

"Wait. Let me talk to him," Ryan said. "I've known him for a long time, and he wouldn't just say something like that to purposely be an ass."

Brendon nodded. "Go ahead. Tell me how it goes."

Ryan nodded, going out to the living room where Spencer was now lying face down. Ryan cleared his throat, saying, "Hey."

Spencer didn't his head up and mumbled something Ryan couldn't understand.

"Um... as much as I'd like to agree... I can't really hear you..." Ryan trailed off.

Spencer lifted his head, revealing his red puffy eyes. It was obvious he was upset. "I'm fucked up," he told Ryan.

As Spencer sat up, Ryan took his place next to him. "It's all right. I... I heard what happened."

Spencer groaned. "I'm just... I don't know. I care about Jon so much, but he deserves better than me, you know? I'm too scared to give him what he needs."

"How did it even start?" Ryan asked.

"Same as you and Pete," Spencer smirked. "Not the same time, of course, but after that. And it just... grew from there. We just like each other, and he loves me..." Spencer began running his hands through his hair. "And I'm scared that I might love him back."

"Spencer, don't make the same mistake I did. Don't keep telling yourself you don't love someone when you do. It's okay to let yourself feel once in a while. You don't have to always act so tough."

Spencer sighed. "I know. And now he's so pissed..."

Ryan rubbed Spencer's back. "It's going to be okay."

Spencer nodded. "I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh gosh guys! I wanted to update this yesterday, but due to some certain party *cough*super bowl*cough* I didn't have time.
And for all of you that were wondering, Panic was AMAZING. If you'd like to read about it and see some sexy pics, go here.

Also, I started a new Rydon. It's a kiddie fic. I've been wanting to write one for a while, so here it is. If you like this, you'll definitely like that.

Oh, and by the way...

WE HAVE 10 FUCKING STARS! That's right. 10. Ten. T-E-N. You have no idea how happy I am. I feel like I've really earned it, and only on chapter 13? That's big for me. So this is for you: all of you commenters and silent readers. This is for you.

ANNDD I'm sorry this chapter sucks. I need to sit down and think where I'm going next. This is just a filler until I get it straight.

Thanks again. :D