900 Thousand Times I Would...

Throw You In.

Ryan made the intense mistake of letting Brendon choose the movie. Now he had to sit through the two and a half hours that was the chick flick. Ryan didn't mind too much; it was better than nothing. It gave him a little while to zone out and think further about his predicament of suddenly realizing he wanted to fuck his best friend.

"Who says I can't be friends with a married man?" the woman on the screen asked.

Ya, Ryan thought. He too could be friends with Brendon and not have anything come from it.

"So what if he has an amazing smile-?"

Check. Brendon had an amazing smile. So what? They could still be just friends.

"-and an ass that just makes you just wanna dry hump?"

Ryan's face paled, his thoughts immediately going to similar things. He was so thankfully that he was in a dark movie theater. No one would ever know how he was getting hard. Calm down. Puppies and kitties, Ry. Puppies and kitties.

He stole a glance at Brendon, who of course was stuffing his face in popcorn while watching as the girl on the screen stripped down and jumped into the water. Brendon had insisted that they get peanut m&m's and pour them into the popcorn. So they did and the popcorn had been nice and safe in Ryan's lap. Then Brendon had to get grabby and accidentally spill the top part of the popcorn on the floor, along with all of the m&m's floating there.

Sometimes, he wondered how the kid even dressed himself without causing a natural disaster.

Or maybe he didn't. Maybe every time Brendon Urie stepped out of the house, a natural disaster occurred.

In any case, Ryan actually kind of enjoyed the movie. It was a cute story, but so unrealistic. Okay, maybe it was. But it wasn't. He was on the fucking fence about the whole thing.

All in all, he decided that it was a good movie. He was trying very hard not to analyze every scene and find some sort of symbolism, but he did anyway. And like that, it was over.

"Brendon, are you crying?" Ryan questioned.

Brendon shook his head. "No way. I think a martian just flew in my eye," he replied.

"What the fuck?" Ryan demanded.

"Nothing, let's just go," Brendon mumbled.

Ryan, amused, followed Brendon out of the movie theater. "So did you like the movie?" Ryan asked as they approached the car.

Brendon shrugged. "Ya. It was cute," he stated, sliding into the driver's seat.

Ryan followed suit, his heart pounding. "So do you think if a guy wants to date you, he'll make it happen?" he asked, following what the guy in the movie had said.

Brendon started the vehicle and pulled out of the parking space. "I guess so. I mean. Pete did it, right? But. Sometimes it's different," he answered.

"How is it different?"

Brendon turned a corner and answered without looking at Ryan. "Well. Some people are scared, so they're not going to be all, 'Ya. I love you'. I mean, especially if they know the person's not interested. Some people aren't willing to take the risk of losing the person as a friend."

Ryan fidgeted. Was Brendon hinting that he liked him? He thought he was, but it would be terrible to think that without some sort of evidence. "I think they should just put themselves out there anyway. I'd rather say that I tried than that I was too scared."

Brendon shrugged. "It's not always that simple."

Ryan bit the corner of his lip and didn't say another word for the rest of the ride. He was too busy stop himself from leaning over and kissing Brendon, closing the white hot electricity between them. So he just sat there, almost sitting on his hands and trying not to get all twitchy about it.

They finally arrived back at the cabin, pulling into the gravel drive and getting out. The pair walked into the house to see all of the lights on. Jon and Spencer were nowhere to be seen.

"Depending on how you look at it, this is either a really good or a really bad sign," Ryan observed, putting his hands on his hips.

"How do you figure?" Brendon asked.

"Well, it's really good for them because they're happy and alone in their room. It's bad for us because they're probably going to spend the rest of their lives fucking."

Brendon chuckled. "Too true."

Ryan scratched at his stomach. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. So. Ya," he informed Brendon.

Bren nodded. "Me too," he agreed.

After brushing his teeth and changing, he curled up into his bed, trying not to think about Brendon. It was really hard though. He closed his eyes, reminiscing of the times that it was Pete he dreamed of, not his best friend.

* * * *

"Oh my fuck this is fucking cold!"

"Deal with it furry."

"Fuck you."

"You will."

"I know."

Ryan leaned over the kitchen sink and peered through the open window. Outside, Jon and Spencer were splashing around in the lake that none of them had ever bothered to go in. Until now. Spencer was treading in the water, and Jon was standing above him from the small dock.

"Seriously, it's July. Isn't it supposed to be like... hot? This water is the complete opposite!" Spencer whined.

"Don't be a pansy. You'll get used to it," Jon informed him.

The sun sparkled on the water and surrounded the pair in a heavenly glow. "If you're such a man, you get in," Spencer retorted.

"No fucking way. That shit is cold," Jon replied.

Spencer's hand flew out of the water, grasping around Jon's calf and pulling him in the water.

"Holy fucking shit!" Jon cried.

"I told you so," Spencer said.

"Oh that's it. You are so-"

Ryan turned away from where he was watching, feeling guilty. He shouldn't have been prying into their personal lives. Somethings were meant to be kept between a man and his boyfriend.

Brendon came running out in his bathing suit and threw Ryan his own. "Come on dude, let's go!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Fuck no. Didn't you hear them? The water's freezing," Ryan pointed out.

Brendon scoffed, putting his hands on hisluscious hips. "I don't care if it freezes over. You're going in," he ordered.

"No," Ryan agrued.

"Yes," Brendon demanded, tapping his foot.




Brendon stepped forward and got Ryan by the waist, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.

Damn his skinniness.

"Let me the fuck down!" Ryan screamed, beating on his back.

Brendon didn't waver. He walked to the edge of the dock. "Either you get your swimsuit on and get in without a fight, or I throw you in, clothes and all," Brendon threatened.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."


With that, he was falling through the air, landing in the water. Joncer had been right; it was fucking freezing. He emerged from the water, his head bobbing up from the surface as he spit some of the water out of his mouth. "Brendon Boyd Urie, I am going to kick your ass so hard that you'll land in your mother's living room!" Ryan shouted.

Brendon smiled sweetly from his position on the dock. "I love you too."

Ryan didn't even care at this point that he basically wanted to fuck Brendon in every way possible. He was pissed, and he would get revenge. He pulled himself onto the dock, his clothes clinging wetly to his skin. "Come 'ere, Brendon. Let me give you a hug," Ryan said.

Brendon yelped and went screaming. He began running around the other side of the house like he was about to be raped.

Luckily for Ryan, he had longer legs and was faster. He caught up to Brendon, grabbing him from behind and pulling him to the ground.

"Rape!" Brendon screamed.

Ryan used his legs to flip them over so he was on top. "You are a fucking evil ferret," he hissed.

"Mercy!" Brendon cried.

"There will be no mercy," Ryan replied, trying not to focus how amazingly beautiful Brendon looked beneath him.

Brendon pouted. "Let me up," he whined.

"No way," Ryan retorted.

"What can I do to get you to let me up?" Brendon asked, his brown eyes boring into Ryan's honey ones.

"Nothing," Ryan stated firmly, his face hovering above his.

Brendon caught Ryan off guard by putting his hand over his face and pushing him off. He proceeded to run away like a chicken with its head cut off.

Ryan sat up, running a hand through his hair. The bastard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope this didn't suck too bad.

Will something epic happen next chapter? Well, I guess that all depends on you.