900 Thousand Times I Would...

Lock You In.

Ryan lounged on the couch, reading a magazine. He flipped through the pages and skimmed the glossy photographs. Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake was becoming one of his favorite words, but he really didn't know why. It was just the harshness of it all, he guessed.

The magazine was snatched out of his hands, and he looked up to see Brendon standing there with it clasped in his palms, a wide grin adorning his face.

"Bren," Ryan warned. "Don't you-"

Brendon was already sliding the window open, a smirk now painted on his lips.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, step away from that window," Ryan ordered.

Brendon's eyes met Ryan's, that playful spark there as usual, but more defiant now. They were saying, "Come on, stop me if you think you can."

Ryan pursed his lips. "Don't even-"

Brendon sticks his arm out the window, his hand still clutching the magazine as the pages waved in the slight breeze. His eyes didn't break stride with Ryan's, even now. They were still daring him to do something.

It had been a week since Brendon threw him in the lake. That week consisted of sleep, food, sex (sadly, just for Jon and Spencer), and music. Nothing interesting had happened, except for the fact that Ryan perved over Brendon's ass whenever he got a chance. He couldn't help it. Brendon had a really nice ass.

But that didn't stop the fact that Brendon was annoying every chance he got.

"Brendon, I will shove my foot so far up your ass that you'll need to have it surgically removed. Don't even go there," Ryan threatened.

Brendon smirked once more and dropped the magazine into the grass.

Ryan huffed. "Really? Was that necessary?" he demanded, walking over to the window and pushing Brendon out of the way. The cabin only had one story, so it wasn't like it wasn't more than a foot below. But, still. It was the concept. Brendon just had to annoy him and make things frustrating.

"It most certainly was, Mr. Ross," Brendon answered.

"I hate you. So much," Ryan announced, leaning his body out the window to grab the magazine. As he did, he felt something press hard against the back, followed by a click. He craned his neck around to see that his hips were now trapped in the window.

Brendon had locked the fucking window on him.

Ryan wiggled and squirmed, but it was no use. He was trapped. He reached his hand back and banged on the window. "Open the window right fucking now!" he yelled.

"Nah, I'll keep you there. I like the view," Brendon replied.

Ryan kept facing forward; it hurt to turn his neck that far around. "I am going to kill you," Ryan informed him.

"Sure, sure," Brendon said. Ryan couldn't see anything he was doing, and he didn't particularly like that. "I wish you had a rounder ass. Then they're be something to smack."

Ryan put his arm up and gave him the finger. "Fuck you."

"Dude, are you seriously saying that right now? You know how easy it would be for me to rape you right now?" Brendon questions.

Rape is just sex you didn't know you wanted. "Spencer would kill you."

"Fuck that. Him and Jon would watch and bring popcorn."

"You sick fuck!"

Brendon put his hand on the small of Ryan's back, trailing down slowly to the hem of his pants. He then stopped. "Nah, it's not worth it. I need to go out and get some food. You want anything?"

"Ya, for you to unlock the fucking window!" Ryan shouted.

"In your dreams, Ross. See you later."

Ryan's arms were getting tired from having to hold the upper half of his body up, and the grass was itchy. He couldn't believe that Brendon locked him in a fucking window.

Somehow, he managed to get out. He was fairly skinny, and was thankful he didn't have a huge ass like Brendon, or he never would have been able to slide his body out. He curled up on the grass and just lied there. Getting out of that damn thing had been exhausting.

Brendon came out a few minutes later, a wrapped Popsicle in his hand. He looked down at Ryan and held it out for him.

Ryan weakly reached up and grabbed it from him, tearing the wrapper with his teeth. He saw that it was grape; his favorite flavor. "Thanks," he said.

Brendon shrugged. "No problem," he replied. He sat down next to Ryan on the grass and opened his own Popsicle, which was, of course, cherry flavored and delicious.

Ryan sucked the tip of the Popsicle. "I hate you," he mumbled.

"Ya, you wish."

Sometimes, he did. He really really did. Especially for the way Brendon was sucking on that Popsicle and making his lips all red and shiny. Ryan just wanted to-

"You alright there?" Brendon asked.

"Uh, sorry, what?" Ryan questioned.

"You're like, drooling."

"Am not."

"Okay," Brendon sang, smirking slightly.

Ryan blinked. "Anyway."

Brendon smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss to Ryan's lips.

Ryan blinked, his lips connected with Brendon's but not processing that fact. He was almost frozen for a moment. He could taste cherry on Brendon's lips (I kissed a boy, and I liked it... the taste of his cherry Popsicle...) Before he could question it further, though, Brendon got up and walked away.

Ryan sat there, his Popsicle beginning to melt in his hand. "What the fuck?" he mumbled, licking his popsicle from bottom to top.

He still wasn't getting that Brendon just kissed him.

"DUDE!" Spencer screeched, running outside to Ryan.

Ryan shielded his eyes from the sun. "Ya?"

"Did Brendon just kiss you?!" Spencer questioned.

Ryan scratched the back of his head. "I think so, ya," he responded.

"Dude, this is HUGE! Oh my God," Spencer babbled. He plopped down to the ground, grabbed Ryan's now-soft Popsicle and took a bite without asking. "Okay, dude, dude, dude, I'm planning your wedding. I'll be your best man, kay? and Jon can be Bren's. The colors will be green and blue, and, and-"

"Relax, will you? It was just a kiss. Bren kisses me all the time on the cheek and feels me up. Not a huge shocker," Ryan said.

"But, dude, lip lockage, hello!" Spencer insisted.

"He probably didn't mean it," Ryan shrugged.

"Ya fucking right! He like, loves you!" Spencer argues.

Ryan blinks.

"Dude, are you high again?!" Spencer demanded.

"No! I'm not-"

"Then what is your problemo here?!"

"Um..." Ryan didn't really know what to say there.

So Spencer eats the rest of his Popsicle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shitty update. Sorry kids.