900 Thousand Times I Would...

Talk About Your Loch Ness Monster.

Ryan was sitting in his car, hiding from the rest of the guys. Jon had busted out a bong, and he took that as his cue to leave. If he got high now, he's end up doing something stupid like grabbing Brendon and raping him in front of everyone.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he felt like he needed some really hardcore advice. He wanted to call someone and ask what he should do about the whole "Brendon kissed me and now I feel the need to go eat his face off" stuff. There was only one person that he could talk to at times like this, and he was currently getting high with his boyfriend. He used to ask Pete for advice a lot, before they were ever together. Pete was like his mentor in a lot of ways.

Ryan glared at the Sidekick in his palm. Should he? No, that would be stupid. You don't ask you ex... whatever Pete was for romantic advice. That would be mentally retarded.

He heard a door shutting, accompanied by trudging footsteps. Ryan peered out of the driver's window to see that it was just Jon, walking across the yard. He fell to the ground and started making... snow angels?!

Ryan rolled down his window. "Jon, what the fuck are you doing?!" he demanded.

"Making snow angels!" he replied, not ceasing the movements of his arms and legs.

Shaking his head, he rolled his window back up. He was so blazing.

Spencer came running out of the house as well and collapsed on Jon's body. Ryan looked away, just in case things were about to get dirty. He wouldn't put it past them to fuck right there in the front yard.

Ryan screamed as he heard a noise to his right. He jumped and looked out the passenger window to see Brendon standing there, miming from Ryan to let him in.

Before he could think about it twice, he unlocked the doors.

Brendon opened the door and sat next to Ryan, smiling slightly. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," Ryan replied.

"Listen," Brendon spoke, looking at his best friend with quiet eyes. "There's something I need to say."

Ryan nodded, twisting in his seat and giving his friend his full attention. "Go ahead," he replied.

"Listen, I'm not Pete, okay?" he began. "I can't woo you with poetry or sweet words. I'm not suave, and I never say the right thing. I don't have the most charming smile, and I'm not a superstar. I'm not romantic in the slightest, even though I try to be. But you're my best friend, and I'm not afraid to admit that. I... I care about you, Ryan. I care about you a whole hell of a lot. I care about you too much, all right? I can't stop thinking about you. I lie awake at night praying to whoever is out there that you'll be all right. That's all I want. That's all.

"But I just want you to know that I would never hurt you. I would never take you for granted and just assume you'll be there when I wake up. I'd never kiss you before asking your permission first, verbally or not. I would never lie to you repeatedly and tell you that I don't love you. Because I do. And maybe it's wrong, maybe it's all wrong. I know there has to be a reason that you're the only one I can tell everything to. You keep me stable, Ry." He looked up from his feet and looked at Ryan. Brendon could see silent tears dripping from his eyes. It broke his heart to see him cry. "Please... don't cry." Brendon pleaded as he took Ryan into his arms.

"I'm sorry," Ryan mumbled, wiping his face with the back of his sleeve. He felt like such a pansy. But the words Brendon was saying were so beautiful. "Go on."

"I... I know I'm immature. I still sleep in my fuckin' Spiderman pajamas for Christ's sakes. I still cry when I scrape my knees. But you take care of me like no one else can. And I can take care of you, if you let me. You make me happy, and I'd really like to think that I make you happy too. I want you to be happy. And if you think that you can't be happy with me... then I'll understand. But if you can... then please, consider giving me a chance. I'll treat you the way you've deserved all along," Brendon promised. "I love you, and I mean that more than anything else."

"Brendon, I. I think I love you too? I'm not sure. But. I think so," Ryan admitted.

Brendon brushed Ryan's hair away from his face. "You need a haircut," he whispered.

Smiling, Ryan leaned in and connected their lips. "You're such a goof," he mumured.

"Ya." Brendon kissed Ryan deeper, craning his head just so so he could.

They were interrupted by insistent banging on the window. Ryan pulled away and turned his head to see Spencer and Jon, standing there and giving them thumbs up and grinning. Ryan gave them a glare that said "If you don't go away right now I will personally castrate you both", and they both crept away, giggling.

Brendon laughed. "They're so annoying when they're high," he stated.

Ryan smiled back. "They're like that all the time."

Brendon shrugged. "True."

Ryan leaned up and pressed his lips to Brendon's in a chaste kiss. "Come on. Let's drag Jon and Spencer out of their love nest."

* * * *

"Ow ow ow ow ow," Spencer chanted.

"What the fuck is your-" Ryan turned around in his seat to look behind him." "Ohmygod! Not in my car, Jon Walker!" Ryan shouted, chastising the pair.

"Jeez, what the fuck were you doing to his neck?" Brendon questioned, "Sucking his blood out?"

"I was trying," Jon smirked.

"Like I said: not in my fucking car you don't," Ryan ordered, smacking his hand on the steering wheel for effect.

Brendon took Ryan's hand and laced their fingers together, planting kisses on each of his knuckles. "Relax, babe," he whispered.

Ryan was honestly surprised how easily he'd fallen into a relationship with Brendon. It didn't feel awkward at all; it felt like they had been together for years. Smiling slightly, he leaned over and kissed Brendon's lips gently.

"Hey, keep your fucking eyes on the road!" Spencer demanded.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Ryan retorted, turning onto a street.

"Don't call my boyfriend a bitch, skank!" Jon shot back.

"Watch it, you cocksucker!" Brendon defended.

Spencer started laughing. "You guys are so gay," he pointed out.

Ryan scoffed. "Says the dude who ran around in sequins and pink glittery shirts for two years."

"Pft. Says the dude whose massive cock was trying to climb it's way out of those unbelievably tight lace up pants," Spencer replies.

"Dude! The ones with the laces on the crotch?! The ones that could barely contain your massive dick? I loved those! Do you still have them?" Brendon questioned.

"No, I had to give them back," Ryan answered, "Now quit talking about my dick like it's an animal."

"That thing is an animal! Have you seen that thing recently?" Spencer asked.

"You have?!" Jon and Brendon demanded at the same time.

Spencer shrugged. "Well, ya. I mean, we've been friends our whole lives. There's not exactly any secrets."

Brendon's eyes widened as he began to prod Spencer. "Is it nice? Like, is it-"


Once Ryan's back was turned, Spencer winked and nodded.

Jon, Brendon, and Spencer shared a laugh at Ryan's expense.

"Cut it out!" Ryan whined.

"Hey, it could be worse," Jon said. "We could be laughing about how small it is."

"Ya, like Brendon's," Spencer stated.

"Hey! I do not have a small cock!" Brendon argued.

"Of course not, baby," Ryan soothed, patting his knee.

"I mean it," Brendon pouted.

"Okay, okay, you have a big dick," Jon allowed. "But not as big as the Loch Ness Monster in Ryan's pants."

"I will swerve the car and kill us all!" Ryan threatened.

"Can you wait until after we go to Dairy Queen?" Spencer questioned.

Ryan huffed. "Fine."
♠ ♠ ♠

Don't believe Ryan has a monstercock? The proof is in the pants. Monster. Basically proves that Brendon is totally Ryan's bitch.