900 Thousand Times I Would...

Dance With You.

Brendon sat on his bed, watching as Ryan slept in the bed next to him. He was trying to make sure Ryan wouldn't have any nightmares. He couldn't go to sleep without knowing if he was okay. That's just not who he was.

Ryan stood before Pete's door, waiting for it to open. He bit his lip and wrung his hands. God, he couldn't believe he was here again. He was always the one coming, like a fuckin' lap dog. He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it somewhat presentable for Pete. He couldn't understand why he cared so much, but he knew he always had to try to be perfect for Pete.

The door opened, making Ryan's heart nearly stop because he was caught so off guard. The rate quickly sped up, however, because standing in the doorway, was Pete and his grinning face.

Not a moment later, Pete's lips were loving against his, needy and lustful all at the same time. They seemed to be speaking to Ryan, saying: "
You know where this is going to go and you know where this is going." This was the way it started out the last time and the time before that, with Pete wrapping his arms around him and kissing telling him sweet things. They then would eventually progress to the bed or the couch, whichever it ended up being that time.

Ryan treasured every second he had with Pete, because he never knew which one would be his last. So he, of course, responded as was expected. He kissed back the best he could, because that was what he always tried to be for Pete: his best. He slid his fingers underneath the sleeves of Pete's jacket and ran them over the tattoos there.

Pete gripped Ryan's hips tightly to his and guided them both to the bed. Ryan fell back onto the mess of blankets and pillows, his lips never once breaking away from Pete's. He gripped the back of his neck and tried to hold him there.

Pete pulled away for a moment and whispered, "I'm glad you came."

Ryan didn't reply, but simply pulled his face back down to his, trying to get across that he wanted this as much as he did. Pete started kissing down his neck, and Ryan sighed softly. Pete knew he could make him do anything when he did that. He ridded Ryan of his shirt while he was at it, and why not? As mentioned before, they both knew where this was going.

Pete attached his lips to Ryan's once more, and Ry took his opportunity to rid him of his clothes. He unzipped one of Pete's ever-present hoodies and slid off his shirt greedily. The jeans came next; they landed somewhere on the floor, but they didn't exactly care where.

Pete's hot fingers touched Ryan's stomach softly as he began to unbutton his pants and pull them down. Ryan kept his hands tight on Pete's bare back; this part of him was smooth and comforting, just like all the rest.

They were both now panting and sweating, their movements reckless. Kissing along Ryan's collar bone, Pete began to slide down his boxers-

Ryan jerked awake, short of breath and sweat dripping down his face. He swallowed, trying to calm himself. He wanted to cry. Not because the dream had been bad, but because it had been so good.

"Are you okay?" came Brendon's voice.

"Ya," Ryan sighed, still getting himself together.

"You sure?" Brendon asked.

"Uhuh," Ryan assured him.

Suddenly, Brendon dashed from his bed and onto Ryan's, climbing under the covers with him. Ryan almost asked him was the hell he was doing, but decided against it. Sometimes, it was just better not to question Brendon.

Brendon wiped the damp hair away from Ryan's face carefully. "Goodnight," he told him, snuggling his face into his neck.

"'Night," Ryan replied, wrapping an arm around Brendon's waist. He was proud of himself. He had gotten through and entire night without crying.

Give the boy a prize.

* * * *

"Guys, let's do something," Brendon whined. Ryan seemed to be happy at the moment, and he wanted to take advantage of this.

Jon and Spencer sat side by side on the couch, and looked up at where Brendon stood before them, hands on his hips. They both raised their eyebrows at him. "Such as?" Spencer asked.

"Umm... Ryyy what should we do?" Brendon questioned, looking at his friend.

Ryan looked up from his place in the arm chair. "Do whatever you want," he told him.

Brendon stuck out his overly full lower lip. "I need an idea," he pouted.

"Um... How about the mall?" Jon suggested.

Brendon looked over at him. "J-Walk, you are a genius," he stated. "LET'S GO TO THE MALL!"

Ryan looked over at Jon, glaring. Jon knew how Brendon got when he went to the mall. He would run all over the place and not tell anyone where he was going, which resulted in giving Ryan a heart attack and searching for him. When he found Brendon, he would yell at him until he saw the forlorn and apologetic look on his face. This always resulted in Ryan sighing, taking his hand, and making him promise not to run off again. Brendon would always promise, but ten minutes later, he'd be gone again. If he wasn't running off, fans would start to stalk them because, duh, Brendon is Brendon, and everyone wants a piece. Brendon would know they were following and begin doing stupid shit, such as slapping Ryan's ass randomly or kissing his cheek for no reason. Ryan really didn't care; he just hated the fact that other people were watching.

Ryan got up, kicked Jon in the shin, and ran off to put on his shoes, just because he could never deny Brendon anything he wanted.

* * * *

Brendon walked through the mall with Ryan at his side. Jon and Spencer were following behind them.

Brendon adjusted the Ray Bans on his nose and looked around to see if there were any suspicious fangirls lurking about. Best to keep a low profile. He pretended to talk into a walkie-talkie. "This is BrennyBear to RyHo, over," he said.

Ryan just gave him a look. "My name is not RyHo," he replied. He was disguised as well, wearing large round sunglasses that covered half of his face.

Brendon pouted. "Please, be my RyHo, just for today?" he begged.

Ryan sighed. "Fine, whatever. Where are we going first?" he questioned.

"Yay!" Brendon exclaimed, ignoring his question. "Come on, dance with me, RyHo!" He grabbed Ryan's right hand with his left, and wrapped his other arm around his tiny waist. He didn't care whether they were in the middle of a shopping mall, they were going to waltz, and Ryan was going to like it.

Ryan shook his head slightly, going along with Brendon's plans anyway. There was no possible way he could think about Pete or anything else when Brendon was dancing with him.

Brendon stepped forward, making Ryan step back. He stepped to the right, making Ryan step with him. Brendon twirled him in circles, laughing while he did so. "Go, spin in circles for me," he whispered.

Ryan couldn't help but to get caught up in it, giggling as Brendon said this. He didn't really care that Brendon basically making a fool out of both of them; he didn't even really notice how close Brendon was holding him or how far down his hand was on his back. He was having fun with his best friend.

Brendon stopped, still laughing. "Come on," he said, "I wanna go to the toy store." They didn't even notice that Spencer ad Jon had disappeared together,
♠ ♠ ♠
"The Notebook" just came on, so the next chapter will most likely be fluffy or sad. Not sure yet. It's soo adorable.

Okay, just comment now.