900 Thousand Times I Would...

Stick Up For You.

They sat at the booth in Ihop, Team Joncer and Team Rydon staring each other down from the opposite sides. This was a war, they had agreed silently. Neither side wanted to lose.

"So, Spencer, what's new?" Ryan asked, hoping to tease him about his fling with Jon.

"Oh, nothing really, except I totally made-out with this hott guy this morning," Spencer replied, looking directly at Brendon with his piercing baby blues.

Brendon covered his eyes. "Stoppp," he whined, his chocolate brown hair moving in front of his face.

Jon chuckled. "Shh, Spence, you're scaring him," he said.

Ryan glared at Spencer. "Ya, and one of these days, when Brendon's fucking a girl on your bed, don't you dare come crying to me, because I won't hear it," he stated.

"Or a guy," Brendon added.

"Or... a guy," Ryan agreed uneasily. The thought of Brendon fucking a guy was just unsettling. He just didn't want to think about something like that.

Jon rolled his eyes. "Real mature, Ross."

"Don't pick on my RyHo," Brendon retorted, resting his head on aforementioned RyHo's shoulder.

"RyHo," Spencer sniggered. "Wow, he's got you whipped."

"What? I'm am not whipped!" Ryan argued, face turning red. They weren't even going out! How could he be whipped if they weren't even dating?

Whipped," Jon coughed.

Brendon looked up at Ryan and into his deep brown eyes. "You not gonna let me whip you, RyHo?" he asked, sticking out his lower lip.

"Uh..." Ryan trailed off. He hated when they would gang up on him like this. It always left him giving in to their demands.

"Ya RyHo," Spencer teased.

"I don't care," Ryan mumbled.

"Yay!" Brendon exclaimed.

"So Jon..." Ryan trailed off, eying his friend.

Jon frowned. "What?"

"How long have you been fucking Spencer?"

"Shut up," Spencer growled.

"Oh, so you're allowed to talk shit about RyHo, but you can't take it?" Brendon asked.

Team Joncer shut their mouths. Score one for Rydon.

Ryan silently thanked Brendon and was happy when their food arrived. Ihop made the best pancakes ever.

* * * *

Brendon crept over behind the couch where Ryan was sitting. His RyHo was lying there on his side, watching some TV show about a mean doctor with a cane. Brendon really didn't care much for medical dramas, but Ryan did, so he learned to tolerate them. They weren't so bad.

Flinging himself over the couch, he managed to squeeze himself between Ryan and the plushy back of it. He wrapped his arm around that skinny waist of his and snuggled his face into his back. "What'cha watching?" he asked curiously.

"House," Ryan answered, distracted slightly by Brendon's hot breath hitting his neck.

Brendon lifted his head up so he could see over Ryan's. "Ew! What are they doing to her mouth?!" he demanded.

"They're cutting under her upper lip so they can go up and get the blood clot out of her brain," Ryan answered.

Brendon thought he was going to puke as they shove a tube looking thing into the incision. "Ew!" he squealed, burying his face into Ryan's shirt so he wouldn't have to see that.

Ryan knew Brendon didn't like blood at all. If he ended up cutting himself, he usually fainted. Ryan couldn't see his face, but he was sure he was not liking this. "Look," he said. "They got it out, and now she's skinny."

Bren peeked over Ryan's shoulder to see. A little girl about ten-years-old was sitting there and smiling. "That's her?" he verified.


"Oh." Brendon rested his head back on the couch and sighed. He was perfectly content and comfortable at that moment.

Ryan averted his eyes to Brendon's hand on his stomach. It rested there comfortably, but firmly, as if Brendon was staking a claim on him. Ryan really didn't mind; come on, it was Brendon he was talking about here. Brendon could do whatever he wanted. Ryan sighed as the next episode came on.

Closing his eyes, Brendon lied there without a care. The moment was perfect, a bonding between two friends that only they could truly understand. "Ryan?" he asked, keeping his eyes closed.

"Ya?" Ryan replied, not sure where he was going with this.

"Let's move to Disney World," Brendon stated.

"Um... why?"

"'Cause, RyHo, Mickey Mouse lived there and we could go on the rides all the time," Brendon explained. "It would be like this all the time, just you and me."

Ryan thought about it for a moment. Living with Brendon in Disney World? That would actually be really cool. Just him and Brendon without a care in the world, running around and terrorizing a theme park... Good times. "Sure," Ryan agreed. "No Joncer allowed."

Brendon giggled. "What do you think they're doing right now?" he asked.

Ryan groaned. "Let's just not even go there." Thinking of Spencer and Jon together made him think of Pete. His heart ached, until Brendon interrupted his thoughts.

"We should go yell fire and see if they come out," Brendon devised.

"Nah, leave them be. They deserve a little spice in their life."

Brendon pouted but agreed. "All right," he said, melting into Ryan further.
♠ ♠ ♠
I knew it! THERE WAS A RYTER RELATIONSHIP [ryan and peter]! Heh heh, maybe not, but seriously, that IS Pete on the bottom, and that does look severely like RyHo on top. Which strikes me as funny... but you know. Could mean nothing. Could mean something. You never know...

Lol I hear it's fake anyway. YOU DECIDE.

ANYWHO! Thank you so much everybody. You all make me smile.