900 Thousand Times I Would...

Hold Onto You For Dear Life.

Ryan ended up falling asleep on Brendon after telling his story; he didn't blame him, they had woken up at like five thirty to make the flight at seven. Brendon was bored, though, and he needed to do something was his hands. He was so pissed about what Ryan told him about Pete. Ryan was his best friend, and he knew things about him that no one else did. Like the fact that he used to walk around his house naked when his parents used to leave the house, just because he could. And the fact he had a crush on Hayley Williams when he first met her. But that had quickly passed. Ryan deserved so much more than someone just using him. He deserved someone who could take care of him and make him happy.

He brought out his lap top and opened it quietly, determined not to wake theangel guy on his shoulder. Once the internet booted up, he went on Photobucket and typed in the words he knew he shouldn't have: Ryan Ross and Pete Wentz.

Up came ten different pages of pictures of them, standing closely or sitting next at each other. Brendon looked at one where they were both sitting, Ryan just looking at the camera, and Pete leaning his head on his shoulder, a bit of a smirk on his face.

That's about to change, Brendon thought, saving the picture onto his computer and loading it into Paint.

He looked at the picture, immediately drawing a yellow halo around Ryan's head and drawing little wings behind his back. The best he could he wrote Property of Bden above his head. With that, nothing else could be done.

Now to Pete's face. He drew on a big mustache that curled up at the ends, giggling as he did so. He then proceeded to draw a little go-tee on his chin. He drew over-exaggerated eyeliner under his eyes, and drew purple circles on his cheeks like make-up. Drawing a scribbly line over Pete's eyebrows to make a uni-brow, he smirked to himself. Didn't look so smug now, did he? One of the finishing touches was putting green "streaks" in his hair that looked like snot.


He finally drew a heart over Pete's head, then drew an "X" through it. He wrote the word "HO" and an arrow pointing to Pete, then on Pete's chest wrote "Pete sux". Under Ryan he wrote, "RyHo rulez".*

He looked at his creation, laughing quietly as he did. He couldn't believe he did something so dumb. It was low, even for him. He quickly gave Pete a bright red devil horn and saved it as it was. You couldn't pay someone for talent like that. A pure masterpiece.

* * * *

It took about a half an hour for them to head down to the baggage claim and wait for their bags. It was summer after all; a prime time for parents to bring their annoying kids to Disney World. Florida natives hated going during this time because of all of the stupid tourists, obsessing over things that they themselves had seen far too many times to count. They finally retrieved their luggage and caught a shuttle bus to their hotel. Brendon was still all giddy about what he had done to that picture, but Ryan didn't know that. Ryan figured it was regular hyperness, and the fact they would be going to Disney World. So he was half right.

By the time the got to their hotel and checked in, it was noon. Brendon opened up the door to the room, which contained two beds, and TV, a microwave, a mini fridge, and a bathroom. Brendon immediately filled the min fridge with all of the Red Bulls he managed to buy at the airport.

Taking a Pixi Stix out of his back pocket (a blue to be exact), Brendon ripped open the top with his teeth, tilted his head back and let the sugar fall into his mouth.

"I should really confiscate those," Ryan stated, looking at him disdainfully.

Ignoring him, he swigged back a bit more of the sugar. "Okay, here are our options. We can chill here for a little while, get some food, and go to Disney when it starts getting dark, or we can sit here, do nothing and go tomorrow," Brendon explained.

"Um..." Ryan trailed off for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. "First one sounds good, I guess."

"All right. Now let's get some food. I'm starving," Brendon mumbled, grabbing Ryan's wrist and gently tugging him out the door.

* * * *

"Ohmigod ohmigod!" Brendon squealed as they walked under Cinderella's castle. "Ohmigod!"

"Relax, Bden. You're going to give yourself a heart attack," Ryan said.

"I'll die happy," Brendon swooned. They had just gotten into Disney World. It was just about sunset and the air wasn't as hot as it previously had been. It was a nice day, Ryan could admit.

"Where do you want to go first?" Ryan questioned, pulling out the map.

"Um, um, um, um..." Brendon stammered, pointing. "There!"

Ryan leaned down to see what he had ended up choosing. "'Snow White's Scary Adventure'?" Ryan questioned, giving him a look.

"Why not? Come on," Brendon whined, giving him the puppy dog pout.

"All right, all right, let's go," Ryan agreed.

Brendon did a brief happy dance before beginning the walk to the ride. Luckily, it wasn't very far at all. Brendon spotted the ride and pulled Ryan toward it. Ryan sighed and stood in line with him, behind several little kids and their parents.

"I feel like a pedo," Ryan whispered to Brendon.

"Oh, pft. You're way hotter than Micheal Jackson," Brendon scoffed.

Ryan giggled at that. "I have to admit, though, Jackie has a pretty good nose. I can't top that," Ryan said.

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Yours is still cuter," he mumbled.

Ryan blushed, scratching at said cute nose nervously. The line moved forward and finally they made their way to the front. The woman controlling the ride, probably in her fifties with bright red hair, didn't give them a second glance as they got into the little cart that was made to look like a large log. She must have delt with people like that all of the time.

Their cart approached at large door, and inside the music was all cheery and happy. Brendon bobbed his head to the series of notes and looked at where Snow White was singing to her prince. Then, the wicked queen turned around in her window to see them. She looked really scary.

The ride rode on through where the queen changed into a witch, which was, quite frankly, disturbing. Wasn't too scary though.

Until they got to the swamp scene. That was when things got difficult.

Brendon started screaming as fake alligators pretended to try to bite them, popping out from deep, murky "water". "Oh my God! Oh shit! We're going to DIEEE! Ryan help me! Oh my God oh my Bob Oh my God!!!!" he screeched, clutching onto Ryan's arm as the cart spun in a quick circle. He kicked and smushed skinny Ryan into the other end of the cart in an amtempt to get away from the creatures that lurked. They continued through the swamp, Brendon basically hyperventalating over everything, especially the witch. He screamed when anything jumped out.

Ryan couldn't help it, but he started laughing hysterically. Brendon freaking out was just too funny for words.

The ride moved on, showing the dwarves and all that. The witch got shown falling off the cliff (which is when Brendon cheered) and the last scene showed all of the dwarves waving goodbye.

Brendon, still scarred from the ride, looked straight ahead, silent. "Let's do that again," he said slowly.

Ryan looked at him as of he was crazy. "Are you serious?! You were screaming like a little girl in there!"

"Shut up," Brendon scowled. "You got to admit, that was fun."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Ya, the death grip is exactly my idea of fun."

"Puhlease. You so like it when I touch you like that."

Ryan blushed, but played it cool. "Whatever."
♠ ♠ ♠
The pic I found on Bden's computer. Hm... fishy... and it's not Jojo. Lol that's from my one-shot if you don't know so GO READ.

Not edited blah sorry. Comment, no update this weekend sorry.