One Night


The blonde boys type A blood, tasted like pure sugar, well to a vampire it did.

“You know there are alternative ways to the vampire life style?” Malcolm’s annoying voice rang out like and infomercial.

I retracted my teeth from the boys, now pale skin to glare at the dark haired, teenage boy who was sitting on a large branch, in a tree that was just beside me.

“I do not care, Malcolm.” I hissed at him before returning my teeth back to the boy’s skin.

“Fake blood, animal blood, blood donations from the hospital and then if you like real human blood, you can get your own personal blood bank, you’d have to pay for it thou.” Malcolm continued.

Once again my lips left the boys neck, “Malcolm, I’m a vampire I do not need to be saved now go away.”

“I’m a vampire to!” he yelled childishly as he jumped from the tree branch, to land neatly on the ground beside me.

“No shit Sherlock.” I mumbled before re applying my mouth over the boy’s neck.

“I’m simple pointing out there are better ways to go about living as a vampire.” He told me watching as I rolled my eyes, still sucking the blood out of the boy. “New ways.”

“I like the old ways.” I stated, letting the now dead boy drop to the ground.

“But the old ways are out dated and becoming more and more difficult with the now coming out situation.” Malcolm told me, a smile playing on his stained red lips.

“I don’t want to come out.” I told him, turning and starting to walk away.

“Fine then don’t, but why not switch over to the lifestyle where there is less death?” Malcolm advised from behind.

I spun around I was growing tired of this game, “what are you my conscious?”

Malcolm stood there contemplating what I had asked and then looked up at me his grey eyes changed to black, his lips grinned at me. “Yes I am.”

Malcolm was gone before I could say anything.

“Annoying bastard.” I muttered before leaving the park myself.


I turned to see Alistair, a man old enough to tell you how the world itself was created.

“Hello, what brings you to the mortal world?” I asked knowing, that a vampire as old as Alistair did not wander out into the city, of any size.

Older vampires only came out of the woods long enough to get their meals, otherwise they stayed tucked away in the woods.

“I’m here to vote.” He told me, his voice was smooth, for someone so old he looked twenty two, his light brown hair, perfectly structured face, eyes that where now red.

“And I hope you make the right decision, Alistair!” Malcolm exclaimed banging his hand on Alistair’s back.

“Most you follow me?” I asked Malcolm through my teeth as I glared at him. Alistair laughed as Malcolm gulped at my expression.

“I’m trying to make you see the light.”

“I’d rather see blood.”

“Fake blood, donated blood, animal blood anything but human blood with the intent to kill.”

“As touching as it is that you care about my diet I think I’ll take door number four minus the no killing.”

“You’d think after five hundred years you’d learn to be more open.”

“Seven hundred.” Both I and Alistair said in unison.

Malcolm looked between us both an eyebrow rose. I simply shrugged, with a wave of my hand I walked away. The past was something I rarely ever ventured into.