One Night

Waking Up

“I didn’t know it would have this affect on some vampires.” Margret stated.

“You should have tested it on more then your picture perfect vampires.” Alistair hissed back at her.

“To loud.” I croaked out as their voices rang in my head.

“I’m Sorry.” Alistair words where quiet and warm.

“Rose I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t know that it would affect you in this way…” Margret trailed off.

“It’s her own damn fault she kept on going back and forth between the kitchen and her bedroom.” Isaac put in.

“And you did a wonderful job of stopping her.” Troy snapped.

I opened my eyes to see Alistair and Troy on the left side of my bed and Isaac and Margret on the other. The wind blew through the window moving the curtain, letting in a gleam of light that I quickly hissed away from.

Troy walked over and closed the window pulling the curtains closed tightly.

“Thank you.” I whispered my voice cracked, and the dryness.

And with the dryness I also realized the thirst.

“I’ll go get some blood.” Isaac said.

“First useful thing you’ve done.” Troy told him as Isaac walked out of my room.

When Isaac came back with the blood, I drank it happily. And soon fell asleep.

It was cold.

I opened my eyes, to see dirt was eye level with me, and there was something stabbing my side. A rock I realized as I sat up, I was in the middle of the forest. I looked around briefly amused by this.

But my amusement was cut short when I saw a little girl walking through the woods, her arms wrapped around herself, for security and warmth.

She was faintly calling out, “mommy?”

She smelled like type blood A.

I got up slowly, advancing on her hesitantly. She was way too young to feed on. I’m not mother Teresa but I do have some morals.

When she finale heard me she turned around squeaking out the word, “mommy?”

There where tears running down her face. I scanned the forest and saw no one. Which was good because what I was about to do would only make my life worse.

I knelt down and spoke softly, “what’s your name?”

She blinked a couple times before answering, “Helen Siders.”

“That’s a very pretty name Helen. Do you know where you live?” I asked her smiling at her reassuringly.

She took a trustful step forward, nodding her head to my question.

“Can you tell my so that I can take you home?” I asked her my words only loud enough for her to hear.

She nodded and then took another step so that she was directly in my arms.

When I transported myself back to the woods I took a more careful look around.

Vampires did not wake up in random forests.

And little girls do not wander around late at night.