House Full of Secrets

Chapter 1

"I hate you! Your Not MY Family!". Those were the words repeating over and over in my head since the night she had said them and that was almost 2 months ago! Tour is finally over and we are almost back home to Huntington Beach , I should be excited having time off from touring but those words keep eating at my heart. I mean i knew she has always said she hated me but i didn't think it was her real feelings-You know like that phase were teens have that "fuck the world" phase.. i thought it was just that but coming later. No matter how many times i try to think of why she hates me i cant- I haven't done anything for her to hate me. Maybe this is just her fuck the world phase?But in my gut i have a feeling its not.

"Zack- man we are at your house" Matt said coming towards me and patting me on the shoulder. I looked out the window and sure enough we were outside of my two story house. I looked back at Matt and nodded and did our man hand shake / hug and grabbed my bags and got off the bus right after Caden and Gena. The bus left speeding off to Johnny's House as soon as i stepped foot on the hard cement driveway. I sighed as i walked up the path to the house and through my bags to the side of the door way. The house was so clean it looked like no one had been living here.I made my way to the kitchen to see if there was any bottled water but when i opened the fridge there was nothing in it - no food, no drinks the same with the cabinets the only thing there was an old box of cereal.That registered as weird in my head because Nikki was living in the house and needed to eat. I shook my head of the thought and just grabbed a mug and filled it with cold tap water.

"Hey babe i need you to get your clothes to the washer so i can wash them" Gena said walking into the kitchen and going to search the fridge but finding it completely empty and turning on her heel to get her jacket coming in kissing my cheek and telling me shes going food shopping. Once i finished my water i lugged my clothes up stairs and put them by the washer just like she asked. As i was walking to my room I saw Nikki's room. Maybe she was home i mean where else would she go? I knocked but got no answer so i tried the door knob and it was open but the door was stuck. I shoved my shoulder into the door a few times until it budged.
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okay this is the beginning of the sequel of "I hate you! You are not my Family!". I have decided there will only be a few parts to this one but dont worry there will be another sequel after this one =]... this whole series one is only in Zacky or the guys POV... hope you like it!

this one is for tara!

- patti </3