House Full of Secrets

Chapter 3

After puking my guts out i brushed my teeth and mouth washed.
This all has to be a dream right? Nikki just hates me and is not depressed.
As much as i want to believe that's true i cant because its the truth. She was depressed.
God i wish i would have known. All the blood.... oh god blood. the images of her room flooded my mind and made me sick to my stomach but i held it down and just splashed cold water on my face. My breathing became normal once again and i stopped my shaking that i didn't even notice i was doing.

"Babe?" i looked up from the sink into the mirror to see Gena standing there in the door way.

"you alright?" i stared blankly at her debating on whether or not to tell her about Nikki's room.

"yeah ... just tired is all" i replied smoothly deciding against telling her tonight about Nikki's room.

"oh... okay im pretty tired my self. Caden went to bed already so maybe we should to?" she suggested. i smiled faintly and followed her out the door . I changed into some pajama pants deciding it was too warm to sleep with a shirt on and snuggled up to my wife.

"good night " i whispered in her ear and fell asleep.

i stood there in the darkness nothing was here.No sounds could be heard except my slow even breathing. Where was I?

"hello?" i spoke out but no one answered back but the echoes off the wall.
When the echoes finally stopped a crack of white light was emitted. It was like a door left ajar with light flooding out into a long dark hallway. I slowly made my way to the light and what felt like eternity i got there. As soon as i stepped into where the light was coming from the door shut making me jump further into the room. The room was bright white with pictures of me and Gena, Caden Gena and me , The guys and me, the girls - just random pictures of all of us but one person Nikki. As i searched around for pictures of her i came upon one but it was of her as a baby. I smiled and went to touch the picture but as soon as i had i began to fall. It was like i had jumped out of an airplane i kept falling and falling knowing not when i would stop. It became dark again and i landed on solid ground. This time i was in a normal room- Brown door , dresser , small TV, bed. As i looked around i realized i knew where this room was. It was in my house and it was Nikki's only it was clean. The door busted open in her bathroom and she came storming out furious and kept grabbing things off the shelf making papers and books crash to the floor. I tried to speak to her but it was like she couldn't hear me so i stood there and watched. She made her way over to her bed and ripped the stuffed animals to pieces. She sighed frustrated and sat down on the bed her head in her hands. Muttering words i could not hear until she got up and thrashed about again making her TV crash to the ground and her dresser to fall down too. She went to her closet still in rage and came back out with a bottle of Jack downing it in seconds. She had calmed down some after drinking it and slowly sank to the floor. Sitting there for a few minutes. Her hands groped around the floor until she found what she was looking for.

" No! Don't do this Nikki!" i screamed and watched as she carved things into her arm. My pleading's still weren't getting through to her so i tried to rip it away from her but it was like i was a ghost -i went right through her. Blood began to seep out of her arm and onto the floor and i began to panic more screaming for to stop. But it seemed the more i pleaded now the more she cut her self. The floor began to have blood all over it and The walls began to leak it too. Soon it was to the point where i was barely treading above the blood. i took one last breathe and was submerged under but i couldn't hold my breathe for more than a minute i began to suffocate.

I shot up in bed gasping for air. That was the worst nightmare i have ever had and it scared the hell out of me. i slowly made my way to the bathroom hoping a glass of water would cure my dry throat.
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a little bit longer update....
This one goes to all of you lovely people who commented =]

it is now 3:25 am i should be sleeping but am probably not going to be able to
so i say i will stick through the night and not sleep.. lets see if i can not crash lol
so if you come by my page later ask how long i made it till =p

- Joker </3