House Full of Secrets

Chapter 5

Syn pulled up a medium sized box that was barely held together. He placed it on the bed and began to rummage through it and the rest of the guys piled around the bed too. I slowly made my way over to the bed afraid of what might be in it.

"Dude what the hell is this?" Johnny asked holding up a few black and red marble notebooks.

"I don’t know what’s it say?" Matt asked looking over at him and taking one for himself.

"ohh man" i heard matt mumble so i had to see what this was for my self. I grabbed one that looked like it was barely written in and opened to the first page.

December 24,

Its Christmas eve and I’m home alone once again- no surprise there. This year i decided against decorating or even getting a tree because who would see it? No one, but me that's who. I’m really getting sick of this shit but you know what i won’t have to put up with it much longer.
-Today’s count was 32.

I skipped a few pages and stopped on March the last entry there

March 12

I hit closer last night. I didn’t mean to but I did. I have been doing that a lot lately but its not like anyone cares right? The only one who does care is ivy but she can’t stop me she’s kind of in the same boat as me. Although she does have papa gates so she isn’t doing too badly. Tomorrow will be the anniversary of when I started cutting we will have to see how that goes because last time that didn’t go over to well. I have a brand new bottle of Jack and a fresh package of razors.
- the count for last night was 67

Tears pricked my eyes from just reading a few of her journal entries. If this is what’s in this book than I don’t want to think about what’s in the other 7 books. I put the book down and looked at what other things the guys had pulled out of the box. Razors, bandannas, switchblades, rags, bloody papers , a video camera and videotapes. I swallowed hard as I looked over all these items.

“You don’t think?” Jimmy muttered looking at the video camera and tapes.

“There’s only one way to find out” I whispered looking at the ground. I heard someone rustling around and a few minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and took a deep breath as I took a seat on the corner of the bed. My eyes fixed on the creaked TV screen. I felt the guy’s eyes on me and gave a small weak nod.

Soon a small skinny girl appeared on the screen. She looked like she had not eaten or slept in a month or two. She wore a weak smile on her lips but it looked forced. She leaned over and grabbed something from the nightstand and it was then that I could see just how skinny she was. You could see her ribs when she turns. When she was done with the night stand she held up something that made my breathe hitch in my throat. She brought it down still looking straight ahead at the camera and cut one, two, three lines but kept going to more lines and more lines. I felt the vomit build up in my throat from watching this but I couldn’t peal my eyes away. The blood seemed to gush out more and more. It was at this time that the urge to spill all my guts on the floor was all too much. Even with my puking noises I could distinctly hear what she had said into the camera.

”I hope your happy.”

I was far from happy I was disgusted. Disgusted with what she did but more disgusted with my self for not being there for her.
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okay so its been way too long!
im so sorry for that!
my school work was killing me
but guess what! my hard work has paid off!
i got all A's! so thank avenged sevenfold lol
hope you like this only one more in this series
but don't worry there is one more series left!