‹ Prequel: Don't Think, Just Fall

Welcome to the Fall Out

Welcome to Existence, Everybody's Watching You Now

I gasped and pulled a gold charm bracelet out of a small bag filled with tissue paper.

I was opening my presents from the night before. I had just opened one from a friend from high school.

"Remind me to send Ben a thank-you card for this." I told Dannie.

She smiled and nodded as she opened yet another present. Tissue and wrapping paper surrounded us, along with gift bags and cards.

Joe walked in and leaned on the door frame of my living room.

"You haven't opened my present yet, you know." he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean? I opened the present from you guys first." He smiled.

"That was from all of us, but I have one from just me."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Would I lie to you?" he asked.

I laughed and ran up to him. "Where is it? What'd you get me?" he laughed and shook his head.

I stuck out my lip and grabbed his hands, making a puppy dog pout.

He rolled his eyes. "Won't work on me! Just wait, you'll see it soon enough."

I crossed my arms and pouted. "But JOEY!" I whined.

He shook his head.

I looked over at him out of the corner of my eye and bit my lip, trying not to smile.

I took a step closer. "Please Joseph?"

"No." he answered flatly.

I ran my fingers up his arm and rested them on his shoulders, taking a step closer.

He shook his head.

I slid one hand up his neck until it rested on his cheek. He was trapped against the wall behind him and I leaned in a little. I glanced at a smirking Dannie out of my peripheral vision and a smile curved at the end of my lips.

My eyes transferred to Joe's eyes and he was biting his lip trying so hard not to give in.

I stopped about a cenimeter away from his lips.


He was looking down into my eyes now.

"Right after this." He grabbed the back of my head and crashed his lips onto mine. I heard a scoff from Dannie and smiled into the kiss.

Our lips began to move slowly in sync and one of his hands carressed my cheek as the other rested on my hip.

I heard someone clear their throat and remembered that Dannie was in the room. I pulled away and smiled at Joe before looking at Dannie.

She rolled her eyes and went back to opening her presents.

"Sooo. What is it?" I asked.

He laughed and signaled for me to follow him.

"Yay!" I squealed oh-so-maturely as I followed him outside.

He opened the door of Kevin's hybrid (he drove it here because he got his license, but doesn't have his own car yet.) and revealed the two cutest little puppies that I have ever seen in my life in a basket.


I gasped. "You didn't!"

"I did." he said brushing his nails on his shirt and then looking at them.

I smiled and tackled him to the ground. He laughed. and I sat straddling him on the grass.

"You got me not only a puppy, but TWO of them?" I asked.

He smiled and sat up, coming inches from my face. "Yup."

I smiled softly. "Thanks Joe."

"No problem." he said and leaned in a little.

I leaned in too. We were almost meeting in the middle when..

"So what'd he get you?"

That's right Dannie came out at just the right time. Joe sighed and smiled as I rolled off of him and stood back up. Dannie ignored what she had interrupted and ran straight for the car.

"Omigosh! He is so cute!" She said picking up one of them.

"She was the one I picked out. Nick picked out the other one." Joe said.

"Are they both girls?" I asked.

He nodded. I smiled.

"I'm gonna name you Bubbles" I said taking her from Dannie. "And you Sunny."

"Bubbles and Sunny. I like it. " Danielle commented taking Sunny out of the basket.

"Joe thank you so much." I said.

He smiled. "Your very welcome. Oh and they've had their shots. I bought food, bowls, beds, the whole nine yards. They're taken care of. So, no worries."

I smiled fondly at him and he returned the gesture.

"Oh yeah. Nick's agreed to pet-sit with the help of Elvis while Kev and I take you guys out for a day and a night on the town."

Me and Dannie looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"That means you have to go now." I said.

"I give you the best birthday present ever and you kick me out?" he asked.

I smiled. "Yup, we have to get ready. Come back in an hour." I said, shoo-ing him off with a wave of my hand.

He put his hands up in defense. "Alright fine. See you guys in a little while." he said before kissing my cheek and leaving with a 'bye' to Dannie.


Hours later, Joe, Kevin, Dannie, and I were all walking out of a nice resturant in LA.

We were all laughing at something Joe had said of course, when Joe's phone rang.

"Yello!" He said as he answered and I giggled, earning a kiss on the cheek from him, along with a toothy grin.


"Hey dude." Nick said grimly.

"What's wrong?" Joe asked.

"Have you seen the latest headlines?" he asked his brother.

"No. Why?"

"Check out the cover of PEOPLE magazine... and all the others for that matter."

There was a whimper and a growl, then a bark in the background. "Oops. Gotta go. I'll check back later."

"Okay thanks Nick." Joe said.

"No problem, man." With two goodbye's they hung up


"What is it?" I asked, upon seeing Joe's troubled features.

He walked to the nearest magazine stand and picked one up. He gasped and I walked up followed by Dannie and Kevin.

I gasped also when I saw it. There were several pictures, but two stood out to me.

A picture of Joe and I kissing on my doorstep and a picture of me asleep in the chair on the boat with a cup of what looked like beer in my hand, but it was, in reality, gingerale.

The headlines read, "Hollister Parties Hard"

I opened it and read part of the article, which immediately started off badly.

Hollister partied on the 'Queen Marie' on the beaches of LA last night and apparantly she was joined by Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.

There were pictures of Joe and I dancing and then more of us kissing on my doorstep.

But did she party too much?

Then there were pictures of me asleep with the drink in my hand and me groggily walking off the boat with Joe's help. I did look drunk. I must've been really tired last night.
There was more false informatio9n before they ended with this.

We wait in silence for Miss Hollister to make a statement about this incident and no worries to our readers because we will all be watching her every move as I'm sure will you...

I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat as I made I contact with Joe.

How do I get myself out of this one?
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter...
thanks to all of my wonderful readers and subscribers and commenters!!!
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-Taylor ox