I'm Not Bulletproof

I'm Not Bulletproof

The car ride to the Laiho’s house was extremely awkward. I had to sit right next to Alexi and his attitude. This isn’t any fun for me wither. I just want to scream ‘grow up’ at him, but then again, I’m doing the same thing, it’s just not as visible. The whole time we have been here, he has said nothing. Not even one word. Not even a ‘hello’ or ‘welcome’ but more of an ‘I hope you die.’ The last one is the perfect way to describe his face and body movement. Alexi looked as if he was going to slit my throat at any second. At least he isn’t ugly. I mentally slap myself for thinking that. What is wrong with me?!

The car stops and I guess we have arrived at the Laiho’s house. Espoo seems nice. It’s not like Elva, where it is surrounded by trees, but more of a city. I like it. Everyone steps out of the car and I am taken by the scenery of the house. It looks old. The gray paint was visibly chipping off, the porch was missing a few planks and there is a strange feeling to the house. I’m probably making something of nothing. I tend to do that a lot.

I walk to the trunk of the car to get my bag, only to find it to be gone. I feel my heart sink to my stomach and my eyes grow wide. What if I left it at the dock?! I dash inside of the house and into the living room. I run right into Alexi, who was holding a purple suitcase- - my purple suitcase.

“Oh my god,” I pant, “I thought I left it at the dock,”

“I thought I’d grab it while you were inspecting my house,” Alexi replies rather harshly. What crawled up his ass and died?

“I could have gotten it,” I defend. He has insulted my twice since my arrival, only an hour ago.

“Come on,” he says leading me upstairs, into his room. I think? He drops my bag carelessly on the floor and takes a seat on his bed. He has now done three things to make me mad. Fucker.

“We’re sharing this room,” he says rather fast. I had a hard time understanding him. Yeah, my Finnish isn’t the best.

“What was that?”

“You and I are going to share my room,” he says slower this time, and stresses each word. I said I have a hard time understanding the language, I didn’t say I was dumb. Strike number four.

“I guess my sister is staying with your sister?”

“No, she gets the basement,” Alexi stated. My eyes grew wide. Katerzyna gets her own room? How fair is that?! I hate being the middle child. And the hated child.

“Sucks, don’t it,” he says. I nod with my eyes glued to his bed. I notice the number of bracelets he has on his left arm. Why so many? He turns to the other side; I guess he saw where I was looking.

“Triinu, dear?” Mrs. Laiho said from the doorway, “Are you hungry?” With that said, Alexi dashes past me and past his mother. I hear heavy footsteps walk down the stairs. I guess he’s hungry. I nod, I didn’t want to seem rude and follow her downstairs.

Minutes later, Mrs. Laiho returned with a plate full of sandwiches. Just the thought of food makes me sick to my stomach. Alexi sits across the table from me and shoves the sandwich in his mouth. He seems to lack respect along with table manners. Mrs. Laiho places a ham sandwich with a few carrot sticks on my plate. I don’t want to seem rude, so I take two bites from the sandwich and I eat a few carrot sticks. I hate eating in front of people.

“Are you going to eat that?” Alexi asks me with his mouth full of food. I shake my head and he reaches out across the table to grab the sandwich on my plate. If I did that in front of my parents, I’d have to do push-ups or sit-ups. The term ‘drop and give me twenty’ is always in mind at my house. My father is in to the whole military punishment.

“May I be excused?” I ask while getting up.

“Oh, uh, yes,” I can tell Mrs. Laiho was taken by the remark. I guess she hasn’t heard that many times before. Being polite is forced upon by my family. I push my chair in and walk up to Alexi’s room.

“Triina,” he says from behind me.

Did he just call me Triina?

“Yes?” I say aggravated. My name is not that hard to understand.

“Mom said I have to show you around town,” he finishes. He didn’t sound too happy about that.

“My name is Triinu,” I correct.

“My bad.”

I sigh and walk out of the room.

This is going to be real fun.