Who Knew?

Chapter 10

Jayden and Brian had gone off to their own table and Matt had went to the bar by himself, and Jimmy was....well I'm not to sure where he is. Leaving me at the table with Zacky and a very drunk Johnny, who was standing on the table acting like a chicken. I was brought out of my thoughts by Zacky and Johnny bombarding me with questions and I hope they dont get to personal.

"How come you look like Johnny?" was the first question I recieved from Zacky.

"I dont know. As far as I know I'm an only child." I tell him

"What do you do for a living? " was Johnny's first question

"I work at Starbucks" lie

"Where do you live?" this was the oh so lovely question from dear Zacky.

"In downtown Huntsville" lie number two

"Do you live by yourself?" Zacky ask while im silently thinking if these questions get any worse.

"Yea. It's a one bedroom apartment" oh and if you couldn't guess that was another lie.

"Why weren't you going to celebrate your 21st birthday?" was my next question.

"Oh. Well, I don't really have anyone to celebrate it with." I tell them the truth this time

"What about your parents?" Oh fuck was what I was thinking when Johnny asked this question. What do I say. I could tell them the truth or lie but as of right now I don't think lying would really work with my reaction and with the tears building up in my eyes.

"Are you okay Adrianna?" Zacky asked worriedly.

"Yea. I'm fine." I tell him wipping the tears from my face. "It's just my parents died three years ago today. So on my 18th birthday." I tell them honestly. It's then I notice Matt making his way over to us and his eyes glued to me, making me blush slightly. I wonder what he wants.

"Oh hun I'm so sorry. We didn't know." Johnny tells me with sadness and regret writting on
his face.

"No, it's fine. I promise. Don't worry about it." I tell them with a slight smile on my face.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Matt asked when he makes it to the table. The guys just mumble something to him along the lines of "nothing much" and something else I didn't understand because of their drunkeness.

"Hey Matt" I say to him acknowledging him.

"Would you like to dance with me Adrianna?" he asks with a smile. That was deffinetly not what I was exspecting.

"Oh, umm...sure." I tell him blushing slighty and getting up from my seat.

He grabs my and leads me to the middle of the dance floor as Lollipop (rock version) by Framing Hanely started blaring throught the speakers. Matt pulled me into him so my back was to him and he wraped his arms around me as we started grinding to the music. I decided to let lose for once. I turned around in his arms so I was facing him. I wraped my arms around his neck and started grinding my hips into his. Right then it was like it was just me and him in the room. For once in my life I was actually having a good time.

A few songs when by when Love Remains The Same by Gavin Rossdale came on. I smiled softly to myself and looked up at Matt. He had a small smile on his lips also. As we swayed softly to the music I couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful eyes and enjoy the silence. Matt broke this silence shortly though.

"Adrianna, can I tell you something?" he asked in an serious voice.
"Sure, you can tell me anything Matt."

"I really like you. Right when I layed my eyes on you I couldn't help but go wow. You took my breath away. And I was wondering if you felt the same way?" he told me in almost one breath. I look up at dumbfounded.

"I...I really l-like you too Matt." I tell while looking at the ground. Matt puts a finger under my chin and raises my head so he can see my face. When I look at him I notice he has a giant smile on his face. What I didn't exspect was for him to lean down and gently kiss me on the lips.
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<3 The Deadliest Syn