Who Knew?

Chapter Eleven

"Happy birthday dear Johnny, Jayden, and Adrianna.... happy birthday to you!" the guys shouted, and we all cheered when they finished.

Brian hugged me and gave me a kiss, wishing me a happy birthday in his own way. "Love you baby," he whispered with a smile.

"I love you, too, B," I replied and pecked him on the lips.

As Brian wrapped an arm around my shoulders, I glanced over at Adrianna and Matt. Mr. Sanders might have thought he was being sneaky earlier, but I saw that kiss he snuck in while they were dancing. And I might have been a little tipsy.... okay not a little, I was very tipsy, but I could still see the obvious attraction between the two of them. Adrianna seemed like a nice girl, and that's exactly what Matt needed in his life.

"Fuck yes!" Zack cheered, slamming his hands down on the table. Adrianna jumped and the rest of us looked at him.

"What's up, ZV?" Jimmy asked, peering at Zack over the top of his glass of beer.

"I just got a text from Tara saying that her and the girls are joining us at the show after next!" he explained excitedly, albeit his words were heavily slurred. "I'm so fucking excited, I've missed her so much."

I giggled and clapped my hands together. "And now Adrianna and I won't be the only girls on the bus!" I exclaimed.

I really was excited because the girls were some of my best friends, besides my brother, Brian, and the others. Tara , who was with Zack, had been friends with me since the guys first started the band and she was like the sister I never had. Valentia , or Val for short, was Jimmy's girlfriend and they were definitely perfect for each other. Val was the life of the party and her, Jimmy, and I had had some wild times together. Finally we had Kita, who was the love of my brother's life. They had met when we were just teenagers and had been inseparable ever since, almost like Brian and I but without the stubbornness and denial we went through at first. That's an entirely different story, though.

"The girls are going to be so happy to have another girl to talk to," Jimmy enthused, his attitude even happier now that he knew Val would be with him soon.

While the other guys continued to talk about their girls, I unwound myself from Brian to go talk to Adrianna. In my drunken state I had just assumed she'd be coming with us, and I quickly realized I needed to actually ask her.

"Hey Matt, I need to borrow Adri quick," I said happily as I stood in front of them.

Matt pouted but let me pull her away from him anyways. "Fine, but bring her back soon," he demanded and I winked at him, causing him to laugh at me.

Once we were in a relatively quiet area, I pulled Adrianna to sit down next to me. "Do you guys really want me to come with you?" she asked nervously.

"Definitely!" I exclaimed. "We all think you're a cool girl, and I secretly think Matty has a crush on you. But it's okay, right? If you come with us? You can have someone watch your house and all that."

Adrianna bit her lip and looked down at the floor. "Jayde, I... I don't have a house or anything like that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm homeless. That's why I wandered into the show tonight."

I looked at her incredulously and then engulfed her in a hug. "You are definitely fucking coming with us," I told her when I pulled away.

Adrianna's face hardened slightly. "I'm not some charity case, I can take care of myself just fine. You don't need to do this because you feel bad," she stated.

I nodded my head. "I understand. But that's not why I'm doing this. Even though we just met tonight I feel like you're a friend to me, and I refuse to let you go back out on the fucking streets," I told her seriously.

Adrianna watched my face for a moment and then sighed with a nod of her head. "Alright. But no one needs to know. At least not yet," she compromised.

"You can tell them when you're ready," I agreed.

Even though I was drunk, I knew what I was doing was right. I just didn't know how right it would all turn out to be.
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Woo, new characters! I know you didn't really learn anything about them, but that will be added later on just at random times.
Hope you enjoyed the update!

<3 i_love_to_syn