Who Knew?

Chapter Fifteen

(Jay's POV)

"So, you and Matt, huh?" I prodded, applying my eyeshadow. Adri and I were currently standing in front of the bathroom mirrors at the mall, fixing our makeup since we didn't really have time before we left.

Adri smiled and brushed on some mascara. "Yeah," she said softly. "I was so surprised and shocked when he asked me."

I smiled at her through the mirror and replied, "Well I'm glad you said yes. Matt needs someone in his life like you."

Adrianna blushed at this and we continued to finish our makeup in silence. "Do you think the other girls will like me?" she asked nervously as we walked out of the bathroom.

I linked arms with Adri and nodded my head. "They'll love you, babe," I encouraged.

Walking up to the guys, it was easy to see how Matt's face lit up when he spotted Adrianna. Matt took her from me and Adrianna easily curved into his side, his arm around her waist. It was almost surreal how naturally they fit together, and I finally understood what my friends meant when they said the same thing about Brian and I.

"They look so perfect together," I whispered to Brian as Matt and Adri walked in front of us. "It's like they were made for each other."

Brian linked his hands with mine and kissed me. "Almost like us," he smiled softly.

I nodded my head in agreement and shouted up to Adrianna, "Let's do some shopping, girly!"

Two hours later, the guys plopped down on a water fountain, setting mine and Adrianna's bags down.

"Oh come on guys, you aren't tired already, are you?" I asked, settling down into Brian's lap.

Adrianna followed my lead and perched herself on Matt's knees. "Yeah, we've only been to two stores!" she added.

Brian groaned and said, "True, but you bought three bags of clothes at Victoria's Secret alone, Jayde."

I lifted my bags into Brian's lap and had him look into the bag to see what I had bought. His eyes widened and he gulped visibly. "Still going to complain, Bri?" I questioned.

"Definitely not," he answered vigorously.

Johnny was just going to comment when someone none of us had ever seen before suddenly walked up to us. "Hey Adrianna. Long time, no see," the mystery man said.

Adri shifted uncomfortably and mumbled, "Hi Derek."

Derek's face fell and he replied, "Is that any way to treat a good friend?"

The look on Adrianna's face was a mixture of fear and anger; I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew something was up with this Derek guy. Adrianna looked up at him and said, "I really have nothing to say to you, Derek. I'd like you to leave now."

Derek frowned, and for a second, I swear I saw anger flash in his green eyes. In an instant, it was gone and he was smiling again. "Alright. Well, my number is still the same if you ever feel like giving me a call. Later, Adri."

When he was gone, we all turned to Adri. "Who the fuck was that?" Jimmy asked.

Adri sighed and toyed with Matt's hand. "No one. Just an old aquaintance. We were never really friends, although he like to think so."

Something told me that wasn't the whole story. But I wasn't going to pry; it was Adrianna's business and not mine. So I let it be.
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Hey, I finally updated!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed it, and be sure to leave me and Anna some love!