Who Knew?

chapter 2


I'm sitting here in this dark room, blaring my music as loud as I can, trying so desperatly to drown out the drunken yells of my dad at my mom. I close my eyes hoping that everything will go back to normal, if even just for a few minuets.

Opening my eyes I'm greeted with silence. I silently stand from my bed ad slowly make my way to my door and open it. I take one step, then another and another. I stop to see if I hear anything when my hears are greeted with a loud bang. A shot rings through the house. I run to see what has happened.

Standing in the living room is my father with a gun in his hand holding it over my mother's cold lifeless body. I let out a strangeled gasp. I was hoping that i was unheard, but sadly the man i call my father slowly started to turn around. His eyes held saddness in them but you could tell that there was a evil glint hidden in them.

I turn around and make a mad dashe for the door praying that he will not catch me. I hear loud footsteps approaching fast. Suddenly, I am meet with the floor. I let out a scream as i trash around on the floor trying to get away from my father. We fight against each other for a good 10 minuets before I am able to get ahold of the gun. Still struggeling a gunshot is heard.

I don't feel the bullet meet with my flesh. My fathers body slowly starts to fall onto mine but I push it off. I stand up and I am met with a grusome sight. There on the floor lays my father with a sinlge bullet whole in his head with blood collecting in a pool around him.

I let out a cry and run for the phone. I dial 911 hoping that I may be able to get help for my mom and even for the cold heartless killer, I call my dad. I go sit in the corner and silently cry as I wait for the Police and EMT's to get her.

Within minuets I hear sirens coming towards my house. Police and EMT's rush into the house. They check both my parents and tell me that it is to late for both of them. I shot up from my spot and run to my room. I grab a bag and start throwing things into a bag and start thinking on how I have nowhere to go. All my family is now dead or wouldn't take me in and I have no friends here that would take me in. I open my window and climb out and run off into the night, not believing that this has happened on my 18th birthday.

*End Flashback*