Who Knew?

Chapter 6

"So.... what's your name?" the girl asked as she slowly approached me.

"I'm Adrianna," i said as i look around the girl at the five guys behind her and ask who they are. Someone behind her laughs and she turns around to glare at them.

"Well, I'm Jayden, and the dorks behind me make up the band Avenged Sevenfold. Matt, the muscly one, is the singer; Jimmy, the tall one, is the drummer; Johnny, the short one, is my brother and the bassist; Brian, the one with the hedghog hair, is my boyfriend and lead guitarist, and Zacky, the chubby one, is rhythm guitar."

I let me eyes follow her with each description. I then notice how she looked almost exactly like Johnny the bassist. I was like looking in a fucking mirror: they both had the same smile as me.
"It's nice to meet you all. Sorry for, well, sneaking into your show," I say nervously after taking in everything.

Matt laughed and waved it off. "No big deal, don't worry about it," he answered and i laughed quietly

"Okay, now that we're no longer stangers, let's get our party on! It is, after all, Johnny and Jay's birthday." Jimmy announced.

I stop in mid-step and stare at them wide eyed. My mouth hanging open. I couldn't believe that me and those two had the same birthday.

"Are you okay?" Jayden asks.

"I-I dont know..." I say not believing that we share the same birthday and we look a like in some ways.

"What's the matter?" she asks

"It's just...well today's my birthday too. I'll be twenty-one and well if you haven't really notice me, you, and johnny do look kind of alike..."

"Wait are you serious? Me and Johnny are turning twenty one also." Jayden says.

Everyone just stands there and start to look at all three of us. I know that we don't really look the same but its just weird how we have the same noses, smile, we all stand at about the same height, and not to mention its all three of our birthdays and we're all turning twenty-one.

But who knew what would unfold after tonight
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I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but the other day my boyfriend broke up with me. But I'm determind not to let it mess up my writting for this story!

<3 The Deadliest Syn