You Give Love a Bad Name


I sat behind a table in a crowded bar, sipping at a coke with my arm around my boyfriend as music thumped around me. An inexperienced, and highly intoxicated, woman stood on the stage at the front of the club, crooning down the microphone along to that Katy Perry song as her friends gathered at the floor in front of her, cheering drunkenly.

Karaoke. Fabulous.

It was Christmas Eve and me and my band, along with Sean and his band, were together for the holidays while off tour. All deciding that staying in and being boring was nothing compared to a night out. So far, I wasn’t convinced. It was nearly midnight and nothing interesting had happened rather than Mike and Stu running off to the men’s room together, half blinded by a shower of glitter that was let loose on the dance floor.

My watch beeped, signaling midnight. Sean smiled and looked over at me.

“Christmas,” he beamed. I nodded, leaning in and kissing his lips.

“Happy Christmas babe,” I smiled.

“Aw. You’re so cheesy. I love you,” he giggled. That infectious little laugh that made the night a bit better.

“Love you too,” Rhys said, in an almost bored voice as he swigged back some of his beer and shrugged. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

We both stared at him, he looked back and chuckled cheekily before sliding away to get another drink.

The woman on stage finally finished, her screeching stopped and the music died down, leaving the stage totally empty as she trudged off and was hauled over the shoulder by another drunken companion.

Sean ran a hand up my leg and grinned at me as I looked over again; his fingers grasped my thigh as he spoke. “Do a song with me?”

I smirked “I’ll do anything you want, boyo.”

“I’ll bear that in mind.”

His hand quickly grabbed my hand, tugging me out of my seat and running up to the stage as I stumbled behind, not really sure of why he was so excited. He dropped my fingers and jumped at the stage, scrambling on and running to the computer thing to pick a song. There was no way I was doing that, I just laughed at him and went around to the steps and took a more conventional route up on stage.

By the time I reached him he handed me a microphone and dragged me back to center stage.

“I…what? Sean, what song are we doin’?” I asked a bit bewildered now.

“Bon Jovi,” he beamed, a little late as the starting lyrics to ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ pounded out though the stereo. Neither of us sang them, deciding to wait though the guitar riff.

I looked over towards the back off the room where all the boys were grinning, waving and something being generally dick like. I could see Jamie trying to navigate with something in his jeans, I didn’t want to know.

An angels smile is what you sell,” Sean chimed in perfectly with the song, as I stood there dumbly, totally forgetting what I was meant to be doing. He didn’t even need the lyrics that were spreading over a screen in front of us, he knew the song perfectly.

You promised me heaven, then put me through hell. Chains of love got a hold on me.
When passion’s a prison, you can’t break free,
” he continued. His voice gliding over the lyrics perfectly as mine messily joined in with a aren’t I an idiot? grin half way though the 3rd line.

Ooh, you’re a loaded gun,” we both sang, sounding more coordinated now. I felt Sean’s arm slip around my waist and his gaze settle on the side of my face as I read off of the screen, not wanting to fuck up.

Ooh, there’s nowhere to run,” I was suddenly pushed away and turned around to face him, Sean’s hand was on my hip as the other clutched the microphone. He slowly advanced on me; eyes pinned to mine as he carried on singing. I didn’t have a clue what he was doing, but whatever it was, was giving him that glint in his eye.

No one can save me
The damage is done.

I’d stopped singing completely, just slowly backing off as he pushed me closer and closer to the wall, our sides to the stage. The crowd in front of us were laughing, one or two even cheering. He nearly had me pinned to the wall before I slipped out of his eye line and did a very graceful curve around him to escape.

The song immediately ran to the chorus at this point, I quickly danced into the middle of the stage but there was nothing stopping him. Sean loved every second of this and just strode over to me, purposefully swaying his hips and smirking a bit as the lyrics slipped from his soft lips. I grinned, finding this rather funny, but extremely sexy at the same time as I slid back and forth along the stage, watching him speed up to get me.

Shot through the heart
And you’re to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game.

He caught me, giving me an almost choreographed full one arm push back into the middle of the stage, quickly wrapping the arm around my waist and holding me there.

You give love a bad name
You give love a bad name.

He stood behind me, crotch pressed firmly against my ass as he almost thrust out his hips and held me there. I let my eyes glance over the crowd, watching the astonished, amazed and amused faces as they started wide eyed at the show.

Paint your smile on your lips,” he sang into my ear, holding the mic by my cheek and flicking out his tongue to just lightly lick my ear lobe. His hand cascaded up my chest, then down my arm. The hand then grasped mine, fingers entwining over the back of it for control.

Blood red nails on your fingertips,” melding his movements to mine he pushed my palm over my hip, slowly letting my fingers stroke myself though my jeans before forcing me to grab my crotch and jolt back into him. This was getting harder. In more ways than one.

I twisted away, everything was moving rather fast, Sean wanted it to fit the song, and it all was. Perfectly synchronized, even taking in account for my confusion fueled anticipation. Pulling my body from his I stepped out of the middle of the stage and towards the wall. Sean kept a grip on my hand and elegantly span with me, making sure to face me this time, just like before, and advance on me.

A school boys dream, you act so shy,” this was quicker. I was pushed back against the wall, hips and chest pinned together as he sang to me, almost oblivious to the audience. There was only us. His head leaned in while his hand drove mine down my thigh.

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye,” lips brushed mine as soon as the lyrics passed them. A chorus of whoops and cheers were scattered by a wolf whistle and giggle from the crowd. I was too shocked to do anything by quickly pucker mine to his, only for him to pull away.

Oh, you’re a loaded gun,” I was shoved away, back into the middle of the stage, closer to he back than before. The chase was on again.

There’s nowhere to run. No one can save me. The damage is done.

Sean spent the remainder of the bridge sashaying around me on stage, hands cheekily running over any part of me he could catch once I was in his reach, singing the whole time. He smirked the whole time.

Standing across the stage from me he stopped, grinning and holding the mic a little above his head, arching up his neck to sing into it, his shirt riding up slightly, just showing off a little bit of his tattooed stomach. Pure shameless skin.

Shot through the heart,” he made his whole body shake, much like he did on stage during his own songs in gigs. His body trembled and hips thrust forward. Screams went up from the people in front of us, all of them laughing with shock and amusement. No one could deny that, as spastic as it was, to being sexy.

And you’re to blame,” I was pushed back into the wall.

You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game.
” Fingers trailed down my chest.

You give love a bad name. You give love a bad name.” The microphone was dropped and both hands grasped my waist and slid up my top.

The guitar solo ripped though the speakers, almost overriding the sound of the frenzied girls and party goers in front of us as I finally caught the sound of Sean’s ragged breathing. Gavin and Jamie tore past, laughing and grinning as they leapt on stage and took mine and Sean’s disguarded microphones.

Sean’s hands were everywhere, taking full advantage of my unadulterated shock that left me unable to touch him back other than grasping his pelvis and pushing mine to his. Clothes or no clothes, this was basically sex.

Shot through the heart,” Jamie and Gavin took over, voices oddly melding together nicely, sounding perfect as the words were sharper, matched with a pounding drum beat which Sean used to make even more excited screams rise from the audience.

And you’re to blame. You give love a bad name.” His hand slapped against the far side of my thigh, fingertips catching my behind while I jolted and audibly groaned into him.

I play my part and you play your game,” came deep, laugher resisting words from the duet as Sean pressed his lips to mine and attacked them.

You give love a bad name.”

I pushed my tongue into his mouth, meeting his and swirling around it lustfully. He wasn’t giving in easily though, this was his night, his show, his performance, and I was his prop. I was his. We battled together, our hips mindlessly slamming together to the drum beat, hands sliding over the others body to the guitars, tongues twisting with the lyrics.

You give love a bad name.

The last repetion of the chorus rand though my ears as I pulled Sean’s shirt up his torso, my hand gliding over his irresistible skin while he focused his fingers along my upper legs. Everything sped up. Our kiss got quicker, hungrier, craving the other while rapid incapable breathes squeezed though our lips as they quickly parted and slammed back together. A few final gropes and grinds of the other matched the final lyrics of the song, playing over Gavin’s voice, Jamie too incapable to sing laughter and just being plain horny forcing him to jump off stage.

You give love a bad name!

We parted.

Sean’s eyes met mine, a final sparkle of them flashing into mine while I smirked breathlessly at him. And explosion of applause erupted around us, celebrating our blatant display of sexual arousal on stage. All of it lasting less than 4 minutes.

“OI! You two! Get off the stage, you fucking perverts!”

With that we jumped from the stage, clutching hands and giggling. I flashed a grin at our table, ten varying degrees of star-struck hilarity looked back at me while I was tugged though the crowd towards the door.

I was patted on the back a few times and drunken cheers followed me and Sean out into the car park, he grinned and nodded at a few, but didn’t let anyone hinder us. We reached the car and I was slammed against the body of it, his immediately pressing and rubbing up against mine as soon as I connected with the metal.

A hungry groan escaped my lips “what the hell was that about?” I questioned though quick breaths as he clutched at my belt.

“Christmas present. And you said I could do whatever I wanted.”

“Oh,” I replied simply. Arching back over the bodywork of the aging BMW and entwining his legs with mine.

“Shame though. I wish they had ‘Fer Sure’”

“Huh?” I asked, no idea what he was on about.

He hummed a quick jumpy tune then muttered a few words, making sure all I caught was “Fuck me in the backseat, fuck me in the backseat.

I moaned and pushed him away, wrenching open the door and holding it there.

“You’ll be the bloody death of me, Smith.”

Sean dived in and lay over the back seat, looking up at me and giggling. All it took was for his teeth to gently bite his lip and fingers to inch the hem of his t-shirt up to his bellybutton for me to follow.

I crawled over him and straddled his hips, my foot hooking into the door handle and moving forward awkwardly to shut the door with dithered skill. I leant down over him and kissed his lips once.

“How does that song go again?”