Guardian Angel, Watch Over Me

One & Only...

Hunting. It’s what they did every summer weekend to make themselves feel like real men. Packs on backs, camping gear ready; hunting rifles slung over shoulders, they would trek through the mountainous woods to their lodge. It’s what they did every chance they had. To them, nothing said muscular more then hunting down something big and angry that could kill them, and putting a bullet in it. It was tradition, had been for years. This year was no exception.

But it should have been...

The air was thick and humid as they hiked further into the woods, further away from help. The sun was at its highest, punishing the earth with its burning heat. The men soldiered on, none the less.

“I’m tired. Can’t we rest for a moment Kel?” The slowest of the five men, Anthony, also the largest was straggling behind, stumbling and breathing heavy as he begged for a breather.

“We don’t stop Anthony.” Kelvin McCarty, an ex-army gunman ordered as he marched at the front of the group, head held high.

“Father, let the man rest. Poor Anthony looks like he’s about to drop dead. We’re not all as fit and strong as you, him least of all.” It was his son, Emmett who spoke up. Twenty and stronger then most of them. He stood at a tall six foot five inches, his body rippled with muscle.

Kelvin turned to face his son. If any of them could make it in a day trip it was Emmett. Kelvin was proud of his son. Emmett was tough, but tender and willing to help out a friend. He was honest, playful and loyal. And now he was looking out for Anthony, a slightly overweight lawyer and long time friend of the family.

“We’ll stop for ten minutes. But we shouldn’t stray to long, it’s already midday. We need to be at the cabin before night fall.”

“Thank you lad.” Anthony sighed as he slowly lowered to a large rock that sat just off the trail. He wiped at the sweat that dribbled down his temples before gulping down water.

“I know you need it Anthony. Didn’t you even use those fitness tips I gave you? Hell you look like you’ve put the weight on.” Emmett knelt in front of the older man, looked him over uneasily.

“It appears I have. Can’t help it with the Mrs’ food. She just keeps pushing it in front of me. You’d think she was trying to fatten me up to eat me.” He laughed as he rubbed his knees.

“You know, you could just not eat it. Give it to those dogs of yours. This weight isn’t good for you.” Emmett frowned before standing up and looking around.

“Sure, it’s easy for you to say. Look at you, muscles on every inch of your body. I used to be like that at your age.”

“As if you were ever cut like me.” Emmett laughed loudly, his arms held up to flex the thick bands of muscles as his head fell back.

“Okay so I lied, I’ve been a fatty all my life. Can’t say I wouldn’t have liked being that kind of build but God intended me to be fat, so I am.” Anthony sighed and scratched his sweaty hair.

“It’s not good for you Ant, I worry about you.” Emmett sighed as he slumped down next to Anthony.

“Better get back to it before Mr. Doom drills me for sitting on my fat backside.” Anthony laughed breathlessly as he heaved himself up.

“I think you should have stayed home. It’s too dangerous for you to be out here.” Emmett sighed as he grabbed his bags.

“Now don’t give me that, I’ll make it up the bloody hill to the cabin.”

“Well I’m carrying your stuff. And don’t argue old man, you have enough weight to carry.” Emmett laughed playfully as he shouldered the extra packs and started on the track beside his friend.

“You’re too good to me Emmett, to good to me.”

“Your bags I can carry, you, I’m not to sure, so don’t die on me or you’ll be left for bear food.” He nudged him jokingly and set out at a slow pace.

“I may be fat and old but I still have it in me to go a few rounds with a bear.” Anthony frowned as he held his fists up and mock fought with thin air making Emmett boom with laughter.

“A cub maybe. You’re more likely to hurt yourself then a bear. But don’t worry; I’m good with my aim.”

“And your hands so I hear.” Eric, the local butcher, grinned as he passed the two men.

“Who’s been talking about me this time?” Emmett grinned.

“Just a couple of the local girls.”

“A couple? Emmett, you should be settling down with one.” Anthony frowned.

“Oh let him play the field a bit Ant, he’s young and big, every girl in town wants a piece of him. Let him have his fun.” Darren chortled while patting Anthony on the back.

“This coming from a man with a wife that hates him and wishes he were dead? Right, Emmett you should settle down.” Anthony sighed.

“One day Ant. I’m yet to find the right girl, you know? The one who just ‘screams’ the one.”

“You sound like a fruit Emmett, toughen up.” Eric laughed loudly.

“Not everything is about whom has the biggest…” Anthony started then stalled and grimaced.

“Finish that sentence Ant and I’ll give you a bottle of whiskey when we get back.” Darren grinned, the sun shining off his light gold hair.

“It’s not all about who is most endowed.” Ant coughed and struggled to climb a slight dip in the path.

“All well and good Ant, but we all know I’m packing the most here.” Eric smiled cunningly as he cupped himself and lifted his hand.

“You wish.” Emmett chuckled, pulling Anthony up the ledge and helping him over a tree that had fallen over the trail.

“You may be all muscle boy, but I’ve been around that track a lot longer then you-” Darren started but was cut off.

“It’s not about age, it’s about size Darren. And you seem to be forgetting that he’s my son. And though you may have been around longer, and have bedded more women, you’re yet to prove whether yours actually works. I have three children, so there for I have the only working package here.” Kelvin announced with a slight yell.

“Hey now, I have a daughter.” Anthony wheezed.

“I have three sons.” Kelvin countered.

“So my daughter is off less worth?” Anthony glared as he guzzled from his canteen.

“Hell no.” Emmett answered quickly and with a proud grin on his face. The trekking stopped and the four other men stared at Emmett in shock. He straightened slowly as Anthony’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I’m curious Emmett…,” Anthony muttered quietly. “What exactly you meant by that.”

“Well…” Emmett coughed and stared at his father for help.

“Joslin is a lovely young woman Ant; do you think Emmett wouldn’t notice her?” Kelvin interrupted.

“As long as noticing is all he’s doing.” Anthony grunted before starting up the path again. Emmett sighed with relief before follow behind the group, admiring the view, the nature around him.

The sun was almost a low ball in the sky; almost swallowed completely by the earth as the hunters reached their cabin. Stars were starting to twinkle in the slowly blackening sky as the soft cooing of an owl could be heard in the distance. They settled in quickly, breaking off and going to separate rooms. They didn’t spend time talking, laughing at old stories; memories they had of past times shared in the small cabin in the woods. Instead, they said their goodnights, turned in for an early get up for hunting. They slept, eager for the following day where they could be men, hunt and kill their prey and boast with one another when they got back with their kills.

But one wouldn’t come back...

The early morning chirps of young birds could be heard in the trees above the small cabin as the men woke and stretched. They were as well rested as they were going to get with the early time for hunting. The sooner they started, the sooner they would finish, which was imperative if they wanted to be back at camp before sun down. They ate a big meal, jabbed at each other and laughed about the past before gearing up and stepping outside into the early morning breeze.

“Alright gentlemen.” Kelvin grinned as he stepped off the steps leading to the cabin and breathing a deep, lung full of fresh mountain air. He shouldered his rifle then turned to the other men still exiting the door. “You all know the drill.”

“Do you have to talk like you’re still in the army? We’re not soldiers Kelvin.” Darren grumbled as he stretched his muscles and rolled his shoulders to relieve the knots that had formed over night.

“Complaining Darren, what have I told you about it?” Kelvin frowned.

“That I do to much of it.” Darren rolled his eyes as he bent to cover his hands in the dirt on the ground. He looked around, scanning the woods for motion before standing and smiling at the other men. “I’m going to shoot me a big one today.”

“That’s what you said last time, and yet I recall the only thing you shooting was Carl’s foot, hence why he isn’t here and Kelvin doesn’t have a partner.” Eric chuckled, patting his mate on the shoulder as he passed.

“I still don’t like the idea of you hunting alone dad.” Emmett muttered as he stepped up to his fathers side with a frown on his face.

“Emmett, you needn’t worry about me. I’ve been doing this since before you were born.” Kelvin hugged his son in a one armed embrace before kissing his forehead and heading off into the woods. “We’ll all meet back here at sixteen hundred hours.”

“He means four.” Emmett clarified with a laugh at the vacant expressions on both Eric’s and Darren’s faces.

“You think after knowing him for so long, I’d understand what the man was on about.” Darren chuckled as he headed off in a different direction to the remaining men. Eric shook his head and followed his partner.

“Well come now Emmett. We have beasts to hunt.” Anthony grinned as he trudged into the dense woods with his hunting rifle loaded and slung over his shoulder. Emmett pondered for a moment before jogging to catch up.

“Ant, I’ve been meaning to ask…,” Emmett started softly, scratching the back of his neck and pausing.

“Ask son, I won’t hurt you.” Anthony laughed.

“I’m more afraid you’ll shoot me.” Emmett admitted sheepishly.

“One way to find out.”

“Well…I was just wondering…,” Emmett sighed before looking up at the tree tops. “What would you say if I were to court with Joslin?”

Anthony’s stride faltered before stopping altogether. He stared at the younger man still walking, and felt his blood pressure rise. Emmett stopped and turned to face Anthony.

“You were right; you’re going to get shot!” Anthony pulled his rifle into his hands and aimed it at Emmett’s broad chest. Emmett’s hands shot up to his sides, palms forward and stepped back.

“Come on Ant.”

“This is my daughter we’re talking about here!” Anthony yelled, squeezing the trigger a small fraction. Emmett stepped back another step before freezing and going still. “I will not have you with my daughter. I have nothing against you, but my daughter will not be your fall back girl.”

“Anthony, don’t move.” Emmett muttered, reaching slowly for his gun.

“I wouldn’t try it son. I may be old but I have the upper advantage here.” Anthony warned, lifting his rifle to make a point.

“Just stay real still Ant; I’m not fooling around here.” Emmett cautioned as he lifted his gun to sight. In the second Emmett had lifted his rifle; Anthony fired his round and hit Emmett in the shoulder. He fell to the ground with an agonized groan.

“I warned you kid.” Anthony shook his head. He sighed and lowered his aim, but kept his gun in hand, ready. He moved slowly towards Emmett, watching his every move. Anthony stood at Emmett’s feet and looked him over, clucking his tongue in disappointment. Emmett was clutching his shoulder as he looked up at the old lawyer with questioning eyes. Both their heads flicked to the side at the deep rumbling growl that came from where Anthony was once standing. “Holy shit that’s a big one.”

“I tried to warn you Ant, just stay real still.” Emmett groaned. Anthony ignored Emmett and stepped away from him as he loaded his rifle. Walking in a loop away from the injured man, Anthony lifted his rifle and aimed. The bear stood a good seven feet on his back legs and let out an ear splintering roar. Anthony fired, hitting the bear in the thigh, then quickly loading.

The beast dropped to all fours before rushing forward, toward Anthony. The sound of gun fire filled the forest and the bear faltered before turning towards the gun fire.

“Go Anthony, get out of here!” Emmett ordered, holding his gun to his chest and breathing heavily. He sighted, fired a shot into the beasts chest before having to reload. The bear charged, sprinting angrily towards Emmett before crashing into him and smacking him to the ground. Emmett had dropped his gun and so reached painfully for his knife. He felt the sharp pinch in his chest, felt the agonizing pain ripple up his side and knew the attack had broken a few ribs.

Before he could do anything, the bear had climbed on top of him and was shredding the wound in his shoulder with its sharp teeth, crushing Emmett’s chest under its weight. The breath he didn’t know he was holding whooshed out of his crushed lungs and dragged out a scream of anguish.

He knew he wasn’t going to make it.

In a last ditch effort, Emmett thrust his knife up, into the throat of the hungry bear in hopes it might give him just a moment longer. The animal howled loudly, pressing his massive paws down into Emmett’s chest and crushing his ribcage. It wreathed against Emmett’s ruined body before dropping its powerful jaw to Emmett’s chest and ripping at the fabric of his shirt. Emmett knew it was all over, he was dinner. He gasped for his last breaths, praying to anyone who would listen, to get him out of there, or to end his misery right then and there rather then let him die slowly. He didn’t want to feel the bear eat him alive.

With a powerful jerk and a blood cooling rip, Emmett’s chest was torn open. He yelled, feeling everything but slowly loosing life, Emmett went limp and waited for death to drown him. As his eyes began to fade and the color in his cheeks began to drain away, a flash of sparkling white shot across the bloodied soil and Emmett felt the pressure on his body leave.

The bear flew, smashed into a tree and landed with a thud on the ground. Emmett could hardly move, but watched as the sparkling white that flashed across his eyes approached him hastily. The last of his breathing quickened with fear as the blinding light took the form of an angel. Emmett’s eyes widened with shock as his vision wavered. He tried to focus on the face of the woman who stood before him, panicked, but he saw nothing but the black of unconsciousness. Before he lost everything, all feeling and awareness, he felt a cooling touch under his body, then felt him self flying.

“Please hold on. Don’t die on me handsome.”

He didn’t know whether he was hearing things but the voice he heard was that of an angel, an angel of death. His beautiful angel of death. He wasn’t conscious of the time, or how long he was flying but he was sure he felt the softness of a bed, the flutter of worried hands over his face, his body along with the hurried voices of gods. With everything he had left in him, he opened his eyes and willed his vision to focus. But it wouldn’t, he was to far gone. He slumped into the bed he was laid on, and awaited the end with the last image of the angel who saved him from the beast and one last thought.

“Guardian angel, watch over me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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