In with bullets out with hearts

The Begianing of The End.

in with bullets out with hearts. that damn picture of some random guy with a emo hair cut with a gun to his head. Is running though my head. As i lay in my bed the idea of ending it all starts looking better and better. I start to get up as i think "that is it, i cant take it any more". i run down stairs to my dads gun case. The tears run down as i stare it down. Looking for a sign. Any sign just something to happen. I half way though that it would open and pull the triger for me. If it was only that easy.

I pull the old metal door to aray of guns. On one of the shevels i see a small hand gun. That is the one i said to myself. Today is the day. I slowly reach my hand in. My arm shaking. i notice that i was still bleeding and drops where running down my wrist. It scared me at first so i pulled my hand back. No No i cant go back now i am to close to the prize. The gun. The anwer to my prayers. Nothing can be worse then where i am. Who i become. With that i took the gun and pulled it close. Like i was huging it, just like a little innocent teddy bear. I got my prize.

Running back up stairs to my bedroom. laying in my bed i hold the gun to the light. looking at the steel glem in the moon light. This is really it. This is how it ends? I used to be happy i had it all. A good job a great girl that loved me. Then i let it all go. i ended a good thing, just like i am going to do tonight. Ending a good think. HaHa yeah right. My life is hell and that is where i am going. That is what i deserve. Togo to hell and burn.

i take a deep breathe and pull the gun to my head. Just like that motherf**king emo picture! Once again just looking for a sign. God, give me a sign anything! I scream and, cry out GOD SAVE ME. with that i eaz my finger to the trigger. It fit so will like it was soppost to be there. Like it was just right. With one pull the pain would be gone the tears will go away and, the scars will never haunt me again.I just wanted to be loved. I scream "When will this end? Where did it all start?" In with a bullet and out with hearts.
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this is my first story. So please tell me what you think. Thank You.