Just Like Queens

Now That You Know

“Shane… I’m so sorry,” I whisper. “They’re just so unhappy, I can’t do this.”

“To hell with them! Since when do you care what they think?!” he shouted, pulling at his black hair.

I couldn’t even stand to look into those big blue eyes of his. There was too much pain.

“They’re my parents. I should care. I’m supposed to care.”

He tilted my head up, making me look at him. The pain is just too much. I closed my eyes.

“Look at me!” he said, his voice cracking mid-sentence. “Why? We’ll run away! You don’t need them. Since when have they ever cared about you?”

“They care…. They’ve always cared,” my voice trailed off.

“You’re lying!” he yelled again. “You always get quieter when you try to lie to me!”

He knows me so well. How can I live without him?

I couldn’t take anymore. I did something then that I’ll never forgive myself for. That I’ve never done to him before.

“Just listen! I can’t have them hate me anymore than they already do! I can’t do this anymore! You have to go! NOW!”

He just stood there. The pain on his face more visible then I had ever seen it. The unshed tears gleamed in his eyes. I couldn’t take it. I broke down and cried.

He kissed my head and then left. The last thing he said was, “I love you, Alice. That’s the only reason I’m leaving.”

And the door closed.

And that was it.


"Lydia, I don't understand..."

"Listen Skylar. I know it's difficult for you, but it's more difficult for me. You have no idea how much I love you."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because! Annasay is so jealous of us, and I can't stand it! She's always trying to bring us down, always getting into our business!"

"I don't love your sister! I love you! It doesn't matter, don't you see?" He took my face in his hands and wiped away a stray tear. "Please..."

"Skylar, this can't happen. I can't have her unhappy. It makes my life miserable. She is the bane of my very existence!"

"So you're just going to let her win? You're going to let her destroy our relationship just because she's jealous?"

He'd always been the angry type and I could see it burrowing into him just then. He was letting his skin down, his anger was oddly prominent, more than usual.

"I have to... This is not my choice, can't you see? I'm a slave to them, suffering as a marionette in their hands... They want this, not me. They are playing me, but the strings are too thick for me to cut through."

"Lydia... This isn't their choice. It's yours. You just let them make the decision for you. Can't you see they want your pain? They will never put you out of your misery if you don't stick up for yourself!"

"Then I guess I'll just go wither by myself... I love you Skylar. Never forget that."

"Why can't we be together? Why can't you just run away with me? Away from them?"

"I could never do that... I just can't."

As I walked away, the feel of his fingers was still on my skin. I heard him mumble a soft, "I love you too," and tears began running into my hair at awkward angles. I was running by then, towards the coffee shop. They were thick, staining tears that I would never be able to wash off.

I wiped my face and took a deep breath.

"May I take your order?"
♠ ♠ ♠
New story!!!
It's a joint story with the lovely Tali
whoever writes wat chapter will be posted here..
and right now we both wrote this chapter so yea.. her character is Lydia and mine is Alice..

i love you all,
Livy <33