Just Like Queens

Lucky To Be In Love

I tied up my hair and began my daily chores, humming along to a song I recognized just barely. It rang through my ears and into my eyes where tears formed gracefully before they fell down my face.

You're not where you belong... Inside my arms.

I pinpointed the "winter song" in my head and whispered the words more loudly.

"What are you singing?" Annasay asked me calmly as she leaned against the doorframe.

"Nothing." I said automatically, "Something I made up."

"I hate it. Never sing it again."

"I will sing it, whenever I want to."

"No you won't." He voice rose up a few decibles and I belted out the song bravely. I hadn't written it, it was by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson.

She reached over and slapped me, her stance becoming tense and rough all at once.


I knew why she hated my voice. Despite her perfection to our parents, she knew she could never compete with my singing ability. It was the only thing my parents were ever proud of about me. I hated singing for them though, so I stopped singing at all unless it was to myself or Skylar. He convinced me that my voice was pretty enough for him and it made me feel special when he'd whisper in my ear beautiful things if I'd sing for him.

I loved the warmth of his eyes on my lips as he watched them move along with words I'd form just for him. His ears alone were worthy of my voice. He deserved to have all of me, not just the broken parts, the parts he had to help me hold together. He deserved the parts of me I was proud of, too.

He had also introduced me to my love of Disney movies.

"You've never seen Toy Story?"

I giggled. "No."

"AHH! We're watching that today. Right now. Come on, up to my room with you!"


I was shy about his room. I always felt so awkward sitting there until he'd put his arms around my waist and press play on the remote for whatever movie we were watching.

He'd usually turn off the lights too, to create a mood of romance. He always tried to intensify that romance in some way as well.

That day was no different. His arms went around my waist and he started kissing my neck, distracting me from the magic of my first Disney movie.

"Skylar, I'm trying to watch this!"


He'd pull away for a few minutes and then start up again.

"Skylar!" I whispered, trying not to talk over the cowboy who's name I had already forgotten. Woddy, was it?

He groaned. "I love the smell of your skin and how soft your neck is. I just want to bite into it and tear off a part for myself."

"Later, Vamp. Now I'm watching a movie."

But soon enough, as always, I'd succumb to his charm and kiss back. That day he gave me a large hickey - my very first.

The movie ended faster than I'd expected and he stood up to turn on the light. I watched from the bed, grasping his shirt in my hands. I had taken it off in the heat of the moment so I could feel his skin against my awkward hands.

"Skylar..." I beckoned him back to the bed and he stayed next to me in the quiet so I could listen to his breathing.

"Do you love me?" he asked suddenly and very quietly as he twirled his fingers in my hair.

"Yes, I do," I whispered back.

"Then I love you too."

He kissed me then laughed. "Look at that hickey!"


"HA HA! It's pretty big. I must say, I'm proud of it."

"You shouldn't be! It's going to get me killed!"

His eyes were huge or a second and then he started laughing again.

"Stop laughing at me!"

Then I giggled too.

I smiled at the memory even as Annasay was hitting me.
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I'm proud of this part.
<3 Tali