Just Like Queens


The alarm went off and I slapped it. Even though it was a Saturday, I still got up bright and early. I hated being in the house. And besides, I had plans for today.

I threw on an orange tank top and the gray hoodie and made my way quietly down the steps, passed the now skittish dog.

Ever since I had given it that shot it’s been afraid of me. I must say, seeing that beast shrink away from me makes me smile.

I grabbed my keys and snuck out the door. Once outside, I sprinted lightly to my car, put the keys in the ignition, and grinned as it rumbled to life.

As I drove, I read the familiar street signs with a slight smile. My heart pounded as I neared the house. What if it was completely empty? Would I be able to handle it? When I reached the house however, it was not at all what I had expected to see.

His mother’s and father’s cars were still parked in the drive way.

What’s going on? Why are they here?

I turned off my car and got out. I stared at the house and cars for a long moment before deciding I should probably just go home.

As I sat down in my car, I heard a soft voice call, “Alice? Is that you, sweetie?”

I looked up to see Shane’s kind mother, Serena, standing in the doorway. Her thick Irish accent always made me smile. She was a small and quiet woman, but she knew how to handle her house full of boys.

I got out of the car and ran to her. As I neared her, I stopped. “Hi, Serena.”

She sniffled a little bit before coming down to me and wrapping me in one of her warm hugs.

I cried into her shoulder as she whispered repeatedly, “It’s okay, honey. Don’t cry.”

“Where is he?” I suddenly asked.

She smiled sympathetically before saying, “I don’t know sweetheart. He simply said he had to go away.”

I nodded and jumped slightly as I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind. That could only mean that it was Riley, Shane’s younger, but very tall, brother. He was a year younger than us. The only person shorter than me in their family was Serena.

“How you doing?” he asked me.

I started to cry again and he held me. He picked me up into his arms and carried me inside. I felt a pat on my back and knew it was Shane’s father, Steven. He was a man of few words, but a very loving one.

Riley sat down on the couch with me still in his arms. We sat there for about five minutes in silence before he said to me, “Why did you do it anyway?”

“My parents hated him,” I said with a sniffle. “I didn’t want him to live like that. Having a family hate him. He can do so much better than me and my family.”

“True,” he said, “but you’re the only one he wanted.”

I nodded. I didn’t know what else to say. Shane and his family were so good to me, and then I go and do something like this to them. I basically stole their son from them by making him feel like he should leave. What had I done?

“I’m so sorry,” was the only thing I came up with.

He stroked my hair and told me it was all going to be alright. After a few minutes I decided that I should probably go home. Riley walked me to my car.

Before I got in, I said without looking at him, “You know where he is, don’t you?”

He remained silent for a few moments. Finally, I heard him let out the breath I knew he had been holding. He said to me, “Would you absolutely hate me if I told you I did?”

I shook my head. Looking up at him, I asked, “Would you tell me?”

His shoulders slouched and his face became sympathetic.

“I didn’t think so,” I said with a small smile and a pat on his shoulder.

“I promised him I wouldn’t,” Riley said. “I can’t even tell mom or dad.”

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him not to worry about it and that I understood. He wrapped me in another one of his tight hugs and apologized. I nodded and got in my car, driving away.

I never cried harder.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's pretty short but also necessary.
i hope you guys are enjoying the story.
thanx for reading.
i'm sorry about the delay.
i love you all,
Livy <3