Just Like Queens

Kiss Me Like You Did

I never cried harder.

I sat in bed, thinking about him. Tears washed salt water over my face and ran into the cracks of my lips for cover.

Even though it was Saturday, I knew I'd still have chores, I'd still have to be the slave.

Annasay would know the words to poke into my skin. She'd draw blood before ten A.M., and I'd have no way to hold back the drops from spilling to the carpet. Then I'd have to lick them up and scrub out the stains.

I stood up and wiped my eyes. I tore down the stairs, not even bothering to hear them call after me in disgust as I scraped mud across their precious carpet.

It was six in the morning and I had poison on my mind.

I walked to his house...

Then walked past it numerous times. Each time, the lump in my throat got bigger and the tears grew thicker.

A few times I walked to the door and perched my hand to knock, but nothing happened. At one point, his father's van pulled up into the driveway and I watched his mother hop out of the passenger seat and go to the back of the car for groceries.

My heart stopped short and a knot formed where the muscle should've been beating. My breath ceased as they both looked at me, and I bolted. I couldn't tell where my feet were carrying me, but I let them fall to the ground, pulling me every inch a bit further away from his house than I wanted to be.

I ended up at the park where he sang to me in the rain.

It took no time for me to fall in love with him. Every word he spoke was another inch of space he took over in my heart. It was full by the end of the first day.

Later that night, while it was still raining, he kissed me on the swings. Darkness had taken over the green and blue of the earth and the sky was becoming freckled with stars.

He told me my eyes were brighter than anything he had ever seen and I almost died right there. My heart nearly exploded.

He let me sleep in his bed that night.

We stared at each other and he sang, the sweet melody rushing into my ears and piercing my thoughts.

Our fingers would touch and he would smile, both of us feeling the result of his happiness.

We would grin all night and whisper secrets to each other.

I miss him.
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