Just Like Queens

Clever Trick


My headphones were blaring in my ears when Alice pulled up, her mustang squealing to a stop sharply on the pavement. I rushed out to greet my only friend when she grabbed me and told me her idea.


"Then... We have to."

She was about to argue with me then realized I had agreed. "This will be so easy. Karl's a lawyer, so I can get us a nice hotel room... We'll have money until they cut my card, but by then we can suck the account dry... It takes ten days to process a cut form." She smiled from ear to ear.

"How are we going to do this?"

She linked our arms and leaned into me, whispering the plan. "We're just going to run. As far as possible. Our lives will matter again. Tonight, we'll get your stuff and leave."


We separated and I walked home. A huge smile hit my lips as I was walking in the front door of the house and let it slam behind me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Annasay screamed. She hated to hear doors slam.

I smiled, "Absolutely nothing."

My mind hit the ground faster than my feet. She ran after me, but I was quicker than her. I beat her to my room and I slammed the door right in her face. She screamed at me through the thin wood, but I ignored her ringing voice.

The hours took centuries to pass by, each second dragging on and on in a taunting fashion. My mind reeled as I packed my bags. What if I was caught? What if they heard?

And my feet carried my numb body through the house, almost in slow motion. It was like an action scene from a movie, where you see the whole place exploding behind the protagonist, yanking him back in a way you can't see, but you know is there. Sometimes he's carrying a little girl and her doll and she drops the doll, leaving behind her past once and for all. Every time I think about those scenes, I sob. They make me so upset. That poor little girl and her doll. Oh that doll, which she loved so much. It almost always breaks my heart. Generally I am moved to tears.

Sometimes I felt like that girl. The one who was stuck in her awful life until my hero saved me.

Sometimes I wanted the hero to forget me and let me and my beloved doll burn. Our arms linked together as the flames engulfed us. Small smiles on our matching miniature lips. To finally be free and in a place like heaven.

But I'd slithered back into the grip of the pain enough times by then. I was done feeling upset or wishing for an artificial heaven.

I stepped outside into the quiet of the night, a bag slung over my shoulder, and watched for Alice. Suddenly, she was in my driveway.

I turned my back on my house, and I couldn't take it back.

For once, I didn't regret waking up. I didn't regret anything.

I felt real.
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