Just Like Queens

Party Hard

I stood and looked around the hotel room. Beautiful, but how could I have possibly expected less from my dear father’s credit card?

I looked over to Lydia and smiled. She looked so small in this room. So out of place…

“Oh come on!” I said to her. “Be happy you’re out of there!”

She shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. When she finally spoke, I wanted nothing more than to hit her.

“What if we get caught?”

I lunged at the wooden table next to me and knocked on it three times. “Don’t jinx us.”

She smiled slightly.

“I’m just nervous I guess,” she said. “I never really snuck out of the house before. Let alone run away.”

“Well I do it a lot,” I said with an eye roll. “Relax, you’re with me. I never get caught.”

“Then why have you gone home in the past?”

I looked at her straight in the eyes. “I needed supplies. Other than that, I don’t really know why I went back…”

She nodded slowly, putting her small bag down and walking over to one of the beds.

I stared at her as she looked down at her feet and bounced on the bed a few times. When she finally looked up at me, her blue eyes were bright, and her smile was even brighter.

“We’re free,” she whispered.

I laughed and smiled along with her.

“Free!” she yelled loudly before throwing herself back on the bed. She lay still, and then kicked her legs in the air and started laughing even harder.

I laughed with her. I never thought I would see her this happy. She was bouncing on the bed, yelling things about how she didn’t have to take care of her family anymore; Especially about how she wouldn’t have to deal with Annasay anymore.

I smiled and plugged my Ipod into the sound system. I scrolled down to Fall Out Boy. She immediately started singing the song. We jumped around the room and sang triumphantly.

“Look!” Lydia yelled from inside the mini fridge. She appeared with beers and numerous kinds of liquor.

“Beer before liquor…” I said.

“…couldn’t be sicker,” she finished with a smile.

I laughed and took the drinks. We danced and drank and sang the night away.

I couldn’t think of a better person to spend this night of celebration with.

Shane would adore her.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's a filler i know, but i haven't updated this story in forever.
i hope you liked it, i tried to make it as interesting as possible.
it's one o'clock in the morning!
be happy i was even able to write something!
i love you all
Livy <3