Just Like Queens

One Day, Robots Will Cry

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

I chose to ignore it.

“Open this fucking door!” I heard my mother screech from the other side.

I curled up into a tighter ball on the floor. When I’m extremely depressed, I don’t cry. I never had the ability to cry for long periods of time. Maybe my parents did that to me.

So instead of crying, I don’t move. I hadn’t left this spot since yesterday when... But don’t worry, I didn’t starve myself. I have apples in the mini fridge. I even have lemonade.

“Dammit Alice! Listen to your mother!” my father hollered.

I can’t take this.

I got up and snuck out the window. Very quietly. As soon as I touched the ground outside, the barking started.

“When I say come I mean now,” my mother hissed from beside the new addition to our yard. An enormous German Sheppard.

“Where’s Luna?” I asked, my voice raw since I hadn’t spoken since yesterday.

“That mutt? I got rid of her. She liked you too much. We needed something that would actually watch you.”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “She was a wolf-dog. In what world is that considered a mutt?” Then I felt a heavy weight on the back of my head and I stumbled forward.

“Do not talk to your mother like that, or next time it won’t be my hand that hits you,” my father growled.

I ran back into the house, an idea, simple but still an idea, forming in my head.


I looked at the needle in my hand, and gave it a little test squeeze. Filling it up, I made my way over to the sleeping beast.

Relax; I would never even think to poison a dog.

The dog woke up and gave me a warning growl, but since when I have ever listened to warnings? I leaped quietly over to the dog, and gave him a shot of the “sleeping potion”.

My parents were in the other room, watching some ridiculous movie. I rolled my eyes and snuck out into the burning daylight.

I ran down the street, towards the coffee shop.

The first thing I noticed was the strong smell of coffee and pastries. The next was the girl in the corner, crying.

She had long brown, wavy hair that was tied back in a purple ribbon. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She was very pretty.

I scowled at her.

I’m sure she thinks she has problems. She has no idea how good she probably has it.

I walked up to the counter and ordered a white chocolate latte, and walked over to a stool by the window. The quiet background music was interrupted by a loud sniffle from behind me.

“Can you shut up?!” I yelled behind me.

The girl’s head shot up and she mouthed ‘sorry’ to me.

I turned away quickly. What were the odds that she would have blue eyes? They weren’t quite the sapphires of Shane’s; lighter than that. Almost like you would imagine electricity to look.

But it was still too much. I had to leave. I grabbed my latte, and left without another look at the girl with the blue eyes.

Maybe I shouldn’t have snapped at her...

Being depressed is no reason to yell at a stranger...

If you have the ability to cry, then you should...

But then again, maybe she shouldn’t make it such a public display.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was obviously Alice's P.O.V.
i really hope people are enjoying this story...
me and Tali have been planning it for a while...
title credit goes to Cobra Starship...
i just love that song and the title seemed to fit Alice for this chapter..
anyway, next chapter is Tali's!!!

i love you all,