Just Like Queens

If Tonight Makes A Difference

I tied my hair up in a purple ribbon, like usual.

My fingers were caloused from scrubbing the floors and washing the dishes, but I couldn't ever stop.

Being the least favorite is something I knew all too well.

The door knob twisted, and someone knocked, pushing me into a quick burst of a memory.


A man knocked on the wood of my table, and my shy eyes shot up.

He was a boy I had noticed for weeks, waiting and praying that he'd talk to me. Every time I'd look at him, he'd smile, but I'd get embarassed and leave. I was used to being the unnoticed one, and I wanted it to stay that way. There's protection in comfort.


He slowly slid into the booth where I was sipping at my coffee slowly. My face had a large, unattractive and yellowing bruise down the left side, and I turned it away from him.

His green eyes bored into my skin and he reached across the table to take my hand, but I flinched away, and glanced into those eyes.

Have you ever turned over a leaf from the dark side to the light, untouched shade of green that looks like its so quintessential and breakable that you won't dare touch it, so you don't disturb that perfection? That was exactly the color of his eyes.

"I wanted to ask you something."

My eyes fluttered a bit and my cheeks turned a deep peach color. I nodded slightly and he reached out to touch my face.

Without thinking, I leaned into that hand, and took a deep breath. The contact of his skin on mine made me shudder, and he reached out to put his other hand on the opposing cheek.

"Who did this to you?"

And I couldn't tell him about how my father pushed me into the floor and threatened to snap my neck if I didn't polish Annasay's shoes.
I couldn't tell him about the blood in my mouth, or the molar that I swallowed.
I couldn't tell him about the anger, or the embarassment.
But most of all, I couldn't tell him about the bruise.
Annasay's hand was her only friend, and I'd met him quite a few more times then I'd like to have had.

"A monster." I whispered and put my hands over his, staring into his green almond eyes.

"I swear that I will be yours, if you'll take me."


I dropped his hands and looked for a lie in that sea of leaves covered by a short and side swept mass of jet black hair. His eyes were searching mine at the same time.

"I've noticed you, and I know you've noticed me. I saw your bruise last week. I want to destroy who's done this to you. And I don't even know your name!"

"It's Lydia." I whispered sheepishly.

"Lydia... That's such a pretty name. I'm Skylar. So? Your answer?"


"LYDIA! Are you too stupid to understand the concept of a door knob?" Annasay gave me a cruel kick in the ribs as I was hunched over the wet floor, floating out of my daydream haze.

I didn't say a word. Even if I answered kind questions, I'd be smacked or kicked until I was bleeding from somewhere.
Rhetorical questions gave me the worst beatings.

She squealed and wrapped her arms around another of her Ken dolls. They kissed and then ran up to her room. Her blonde hair swished behind her petite figure and he laughed heartily through smoker's vocal chords.

I'd be the one to clean up the mess when they were done, and I was also expected to make them something to eat.

In that moment, my father walked by. "You missed a spot."

He kicked me roughly in the ribs, in the sore spot where Annasay kicked me, and laughed when I choked back a sob.

The day dragged by quietly and I was stuck inside my own head, begging for escape.

I wished I had never given up Skylar...
But I wished more that I had said no that day.

He snuck over to my house that night and handed me a "pay as you go" phone.

"It's for emergencies only. I'm speed dial 2. You have $10.00 on it."

"No, I can't except this!"

"Even as a present from your boyfriend?"

I giggled a litte. It was a first for me.

"... You really call yourself my boyfriend? You just learned my name!"

"You're my girlfriend. Yes."

I smiled and tucked the phone into my chest. "You'll be near my heart all night." I whispered.

He leaned into the window and kissed my cheek. "And you'll be near mine."
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah...
If you haven't noticed, the girls are so far bitter to each other in their experiences with the other, though their lives are similar in some respects.
You'll see...